FT killing themselves at the start of the match.

There is a certain group of people that always kills themselves at the start of the match. Idk how you can prevent that but maybe remove the self harm when using rocket launchers idk

they might be trying to activate an exploit that turns them into super soldiers. if you see anyone doing that just leave the match

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Stop that.

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Yeah matches that pred playets wait 10 mins for


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They like Predator punishing them


Bloodedyautja69 hacked his account lol

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I think I figured out why he deletes his comments. Reddit mail still delivers his reply to you but deletes it on the site, so he can deliver hate and vitriol and slander and you’ll see it but no one else will know he’s a shitbag. Typical coward shit, to be expected from someone to scared to say his fake name on the internetz.

Amazing to me that people like that exist

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That’s why you just screenshot everything he says & keep collecting it until you have enough evidence to expose him as a dickhead.

@Madisyn_Skye it’s a shame for him that he didn’t delete that one really old comment he made on that one sex sub reddit tho eh