FT melee is broke

I can understand that… I find myself the one that always agrees with what I believe just as well :)

Let’s be real. It’s a video game, it’s not perfect, it has a lot of flaws, but it’s entertaining. There’s is a difference between expressing an opinion and demanding for the devs to cater to one’s personal needs.

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fuck yeah, and if pred has no stamina shouldn’t be able to attack either

do a 4 hit combistick combo and just walk outta there (cause your stamina is drained so you can leap, jump or run)

still think FT shouldn’t be able to parry if they are out of stamina?


We should invite him to a private match.

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Hey, man… That was like my idea I posted above. I got a patent on it!

they say they can’t endlessly attack without stamina… like we haven’t play pred at least to test it.
You can’t do combos… but you can keep attacking.

Motherfucking liars

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He wants the fireteam to literally parry once then gasp for air and crawl away while the pred rapes him with his sword and turns him into a shish kebab.

FT melee is broken… more like your pred skills are broken

anyone who complains about the butter knife instantly giveaway they suck at the game and they are just complaining because they can’t do easy wins anymore by rushing melee like a fucking retard


tenor (7)

Only complaints i have are extended mags, bane, combi shadow nerfs, bow hs nerf, and hp buffs. Other than these thingz, im fine with where they are at. Traps are ez to land… if done properly

I believe if the 50 hits as hard as it does. Do not allow extened mag and limit max ammo to 15

I don’t think extended mag on the AW50 matters. Most players reload after a couple of shots, I guess it’s just habit. The problem comes when you have multiple snipers with .50

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Parry me once shame on you. Parry me twice, shame on me


Today I noticed extended mags actually lower your starting ammo. Hammerhead with extended mag has 280 initial bullets, without it, 300.

I might actually stop using it

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well I mean yeah, I think there’s two sides to it. On the one hand I don’t think the FT’s butter knife is really what we need to worry about, on the other hand I feel less like a super alien badass when I’m swinging on last man standing with my potent wristblades and he parry’s me stunning me. But I don’t lose in that exchange… I would just like a breaker system maybe. More in-depth melee is always a good thing, maybe holding the button charges a heavy attack, maybe it’s like that for all weapons (save smart disc) would be kinda cool to implement something like that down the line. For now though, just weave around. My tactic is to hit the FT turn around let them slash, miss, then hit the FT again. Works like a dream if you do it correctly, does look a little silly though

also just to clarify, I don’t think it’s a big deal right now but I personally like the wristblades a lot. They are probably my favorite predator weapon, and I like to run melee builds because it’s fun and reminds me of the movies and books. So I think Melee SHOULD be a more valid option, but if it’s not, that’s not the end of the world. I’m all for having a more tactical approach to the pred, just fix the blue screens and maybe buff zerk and Samurai a bit since I really like them but they are downright unplayable sometimes. Also, would be great if they could reverse the combistick nerf, it kinda pisses me off it’s so weak now. The fucking smart disc is a better melee option right now… in what universe is that okay? Anyway, just get the game playable again, then we can talk about additions and FT melee

Just take away that awful stun then it’s good. It’s super cheesy getting one parry off forcing the pred to sit there for 3 seconds as he gets blasted to a million pieces. If parrying was just deflecting the attack preventing you from taking damage then that would be fine. But my God that stun is overkill.

Its not 3 seconds, its a fraction of a second. Considering even if you parry the predator does damage, the very small stun is needed to stop him a bit from pummeling you into the grounds trough parry.

That’s why you change it so if you parry it doesn’t deal damage to you. That way the stun isn’t needed because you’ll be buying time by deflecting the attacks and taking no damage. The stun is a bit too much considering how easy it is to parry. Stuns in games are never fun and 9 times out of 10 are devoid of skill.

You try parring a good predator with the elder sword. The stun is what is saving you. That is why the devs already nerfed the stun but they did let it in since it IS needed.