FT Missions need to be gated

So It’s time this needs to be brought up @OldKingHamlet. So When your trying to hunt in a match and you see on your pred screen that they have completed one objective yet they were able to blow ahead and already call the chopper. This is annoying and needs to be gated by either making the other objectives either not available on the map until the first is complete or make them indestructible until they finish the Previous missions.


Honestly, not familiar with this issue. I mean, TBH, I’ve been grinding since the new year on some data (done today woo), but I can’t recall reports of this crossing my plate. Do you have a video or some more data you can share?


I think a good example would be when you can destroy those antenna before you need too. I’ve done it where my team mates will go for the marked objective but I stayed to destroy them before we’re notified to do so. It’s like doing two objectives at the same time. Same goes for those jamming signal things that stick to the buildings.

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We’ve been saying it for months, ft missions are too fast.

This is just one reason why.
Certain objectives can be destroyed the mission tell you too.

But that’s not the only reason.
Missions are just too easy.

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The mission with wiping out the tech on backwater. And excavation Can be sped run amd completed in under 3 mins.

Bad bloodline can be speed run and completed in 2 mins.

Chemical barrels mission on overgrowth in drug camp can be completed in 3 mins 30 seconds

Weapons truck backwater and excavation can be completed in 4 mins

Derailed drug mission can be completed in 4 mins

Thats alot of mission @OldKingHamlet amd @Courier that were made and not pushed to the limits to see how fast they can be completed.

@Fire @GetToLaChappa @Elliott626 @TheSenate @Weevo540 @REYNOSO_FUA11 @CHUCK_YT @GothamsPredator

Any missions yall can think of would be great.


How about a mission that takes more than 5 minutes


Ooffff. Might be to much work. Lol. Im just trying to show how many missions they really let become speed run challenges loo

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The one where you have to destroy the helicopter on derailed. All you need is one scout with a plasma rifle to go to stargazer and destroy the chopper then check the crates while the rest sets fire to the drug den. When the den is done the scout can then check the crates and boom mission’s done in about 3:00 minutes.

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Toxic Compound mission in overgrowth at guerrilla camp. Super fast.

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The perfect summary of the effectiveness of this forum.


Thts the drug mission on derailed

Listed that ine as well. I dont know names


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Basically any situation where ft can destroy an object they can destroy this objects before the game tells you too and it counts as completed also some missions have you defend an area but you could just leave to stand at the next objective so your not fighting any AI and wait at the next spot to do the channel the second it becomes available some of these channels take less than a second to complete with the dextrous perk that speeds it up you can also sometimes kill ai and pick up the item they are carrying before the game tells you as well which depends on if the game spawns them early I know the derailed ones do for sure

Just some examples you can apply these on all missions that have these steps to complete missions in less than 4mintues so far the record is 2min 22 seconds for the fastest mission completion I think

and if your curious this is the first time i can see that this was ever mentioned