Ft Perk points need upped

i find it dumb that some of the perk points are just really low for certain classes, Assault only gets 9 should at least be 10 or 12. Dutch should have a perk pool of at least 15 points.

Rather have more slots… and if they do give more perk points I expect a nice buff somewhere on my Scout, maybe health.

Eh no, it’s good as it is, otherwise you’ll see super tanky dutches running thick skin, Bane and OWLF training.

And we’d get hounded by people for making a P2W game, which we’d definitely want to avoid.

It’s the same challenge with the Predator: Some players want a Predator that can basically slaughter any fireteam no matter the condition. Yes they are badass 7 foot tall murder aliens, but they also are wearing a mask, a quarter of a chestplate, and a loincloth, up against buckshot and miniguns.

That said, we’re constantly looking at ways to improve the game and feedback here is heard :)


Feedback Is heard huh?
What about making the ft guns projectile and not hitscan?

A lot of people want that.
I honestly just wanna know if its possible for you guys to implement it.

No. Perk system is fine. Stop whinning.

@OldKingHamlet could there be a system where we use our leftover points to upgrade perks since having more than 3 would be such a mess?

Like upgrading to lvl 1 is 2 points, lvl 2 is 3 points and so on?

With that being said, there any plans to change the stats to City Hunter to make him more different than just “Hunter but Better” with a restriction that doesn’t impact him much with Gear Space?

He’s the closest to “P2W” but he’s not exactly that as well.

It’s really not.