FT players, why do you enjoy fireteam?

co op aspect.

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I like it. Its fun to complete the objectives and try killing the Predator if he appears. I also like fighting against the NPCs. I like to play as both Fireteam and Predator.

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It’s actually tense. Like a good healthy tense. Predator mains complain all the time bc the expectation is to win or be frustrated. I go into FT expecting to shit myself and die.

It’s a lot easier on me mentally. I don’t beat myself up and that’s enjoyable gaming


because its challenging, playing as Pred is way too easy, as FT 9 of 10 games youll get trash teammates so its actually hard


I like play as FT because some fights can be so intense when Predator is running and jumping to trees and you see arrows or plasma from trees
I have once match where predator choose fight from distance but from the ground…i didnt expect that…literally teammate was looking on the tree 😂
That fight was nice

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Thank you all for your replies. but Im curious, do you prefer how casual the game is? or would you prefer something slower paced, and more hardcore?

I just finally finished my rework guide. I think its in a state where I can positively say that it would shift the game into a literal, Predator, Hunting ground.

You can read here if you’d like. I need lots of feedback.

I prefer it casual but I would like it more slower paced where the TTK (time to kill) would be longer.

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technically the TTK would be actually shorter, to discourage rushing on both ends.

No idea why you think that but right now an LMG can burst down a hunter in 4 seconds. A predator can melt you in some 2 seconds in melee (if you don’t use parry). Giving the fireteam more objectives or making the game longer with longer TTK and proper balancing for how much ammo, gear both sides can carry would make this game better if you ask me and allow predators more time to play the hunting game.

Yeah but not everyone runs meta weapons, hence why so many games are one sided. When both pred and FT are going full meta, thats the only time that either side is even relatively cautious, because they know they make one mistake and its gonna be a hard recovery.

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Though I would argue that if both teams are equally abusing meta and equal skill, the ft are gonna absolutely tear pred a new asshole and he aint doing nothing about that.

That being said there are plenty of reasons in my guide for FT to take their time. The low TTK is for pred to discourage hard melee rushes. Force him into more stealth.

You should edit the previous post instead of multi-posting.

you cant get cash with pred

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The previous post had 40 edits my dude and the comments were so damn outdated that I just wanted a fresh slate. especially since im pretty much done with it. It just needs feedback at this point.

So I wanted it fresh.

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I like to snipe Predator’s mask sitting in the bush. Poor predators cannot see me, and thats fun ,😛
Also I like to catch Berzerker in small rooms with my teamnates and cut them by knives 😊

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Shouldn’t that be how it is? If the FT is ‘really good’ as you state why should a subpar Predator stand a chance?

Be like saying a mediocre group of FT players shouldn’t be dominated by a really good predator player.

Im not saying a subpar predator should stand a chance. Im saying that predator shouldnt have to be absolutely perfect with every step he takes not go get lambasted. Its an assymetrical game, so predator should have waaaay more pressure than he does now

If you read my post you’d see that I said the chance to kill pred even if NOT 100% guaranteed…