Fucking lawsuits!

However unlike P:HG, Cyberpunk was a marketed as a triple A game with a great and seasoned development team. Also just because other games have shit AI does not give CP a pass they should strive to be better.

They aren’t exactly identical. Plus the AI antogonists all have their own unique characteristics. Dont you know how each AI type serve a function? Not all react like cops, or npc, or npc from faction A/b/C/D or E.
I do recall cop AI are dumb. Needless tosay if they needed to be any more intriguing it would put a spin on them rather than end the engagement abruptly. I’m not saying its necessary but it would be cool to see them arrest you either forcefully or peacefuly, take you in to the cop car and make up an report.

Ok, Rey-rey? If you played the game you would know this rather than bitch about…something. But im impressed how you made up that you might know about it. How clever.

This game isn’t driven by AI. its more so driven by pathways and scripted events.
Again, if you played the fuckin game you’d know this. Its more like Uncharted than any other game on the market.

Seriously guys, you all sound like you’re putting up a block on the enjoyment of a game.

lol you’re right Cyberpunk AI are even worse. PHG AI actually hit you when you’re sprinting and can path around trees.

How about they manage to walk 5 feet or drive a car first considering its an open world game lmao?

lol you should join CDPRs marketing team.

lmao they clearly shouldve opened with
“cyberpunk is a cool new game driven by very limited dialogue options and scripted events. and we blew all the budget on keanu come play our single streetkid campaign.”

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I did play it and beat it twice but by the way you’re describing the game it’s almost like you were playing different game altogether which wouldn’t be surprising the way you ramble incoherently.

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23 damage


Freedom of speech man. I can have any say i want on a game. Whydo you have to censor me man? whats your affiliations on this forum? What are your obligations to upholding the fandom on this forum,huh? You think i will be censored because you tripping out on the fact that i like the game?

You sound like you’ve got a hidden a agenda. I’m just trying to say that this game is great!

Rey Ray, you just hate me dude.


Me you @Idek and either @Deadpool_ROX13 or @Arnie.schwarzewigger bumped into you kiddo. And we already made about a post about it and you admitted to it. Cringe that you’re trying to pretend it didint happen now lol

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yeah but did you know why i just let it happen? Dude the onnly personl privy to it are the people on that game. And you know how many V i had at the end? And HOw many V you guys had at the end? Believe me for 3000V vs you guys who ended not even collecting anything makes me shrug… so fuck the hell off.

I end up asking myself why DistubedLlama wants to have some kind of personal vendetta or personal agenda to humilate people, i often think you’re one of the pigmen. and its slowly becoming a true statement.

You didint have more V. You chased with us all through the jungle. You’re just bad lol

dude i was no where your shit team. Considering that i actually survived is statement about how shit you are at playing the game.

Lets be perfectly clear, i WILL NOT HELP YOU or your friends make videos!

Yes you were lol the entire time. Weird you went from denying, to being called out so you stop denying, come up with an excuse. It gets shut down. So you make a different excuse. Notice a pattern?

I will NOT GIVE AFUCK ABOUT HELPING YOU DO the FAN base stuff you wish on your team mates. I WILL NOT HELP YOU AT ALL!

Again, I dont give a fuck. A FLYING FUCK ABout helping you do anything creative. SO dont even ask!

So dont try to intimidate me, or anyone on the forums!
I will fucking screw you so hard. You will not want to work for anyone. So fuck you.

Do not try to extort, blackmail or threaten me or my friends!
Do you understand right now, your narrative about this event is a fucking bait. SO BAIT I aught to have your account investigated.

Bro it was a joke, until you started being weird. Now we troll you about it

I’m just discussing my thoughts and well actual facts on the game I’m not trying to shit on you.

lol no one is censoring you or intimidating you you’re just getting bullied because you make no sense

based entirely on the statements on the bunch of homos on the forums, in their own words, I’m getting::

I wasn’t there for that game , I did play a few games with mass though , it was actually really fun