They aren’t exactly identical. Plus the AI antogonists all have their own unique characteristics. Dont you know how each AI type serve a function? Not all react like cops, or npc, or npc from faction A/b/C/D or E.
I do recall cop AI are dumb. Needless tosay if they needed to be any more intriguing it would put a spin on them rather than end the engagement abruptly. I’m not saying its necessary but it would be cool to see them arrest you either forcefully or peacefuly, take you in to the cop car and make up an report.
Ok, Rey-rey? If you played the game you would know this rather than bitch about…something. But im impressed how you made up that you might know about it. How clever.
This game isn’t driven by AI. its more so driven by pathways and scripted events.
Again, if you played the fuckin game you’d know this. Its more like Uncharted than any other game on the market.
Seriously guys, you all sound like you’re putting up a block on the enjoyment of a game.