I know none of this will most likely happen but just explaining to a few of my buddies things I’d like to see for the game brought me bacc to when the game came out and I had so many expectations and needs and ideas I loved, even if it won’t happen it’s fun to brain storm
1.game preserve, 4 team will drop in a very large map facing a legendary preds from comics ect
The pred will be massivly buffed to fit this gamemode The 4 teams can choose to work togather or kill each other they’ll drop in with parashoots with their load outs but the teams will spawn spread out in this massive map halfing to meet up but other players could eliminate you
As an example for pred let’s say lava planet pred
Meanning the game preserve is on the volcanic side of yautja prime now their will be lurking beasts that could jump out and attack their not super dangerous but can kill you unless you kill it
Lava planet pred will have
4 bars of heath
3.5 bars of stam
3 bars of speed
And no gear
Your pred is a randomly chosen pred for the map your playing on so if it’s lava side of yautja prime you’ll play as lava planet pred
Hell be using an elder sword that does burning damage on hit like bleeding but this will also slightly light the player on fire for a visual effect
Things to watch out for on this map
-lava does 30 damage every second in it
- beasts
Now the lava planet pred will include a unique set of wrist blades which has bleed damage but -2 points from normal hit damage
He will also have a Caster on his bacc that shoots small fire balls as if they where plasma they act and do normal plasma caster damage but has a flame effect (meaning if a players hit he’ll be lit on fire for 2 seconds)
The players half to kill the pred and they’ll gain points toward the season by the end of the season the top 101 players will receive lava planet predators mask!!! Wile first place prize could receive his elder sword!!!(no buffed damage but will be reskined and cause flame on players who are hit)
this was an example of a new game preserve/battle royal game mode for legendary preds who won’t fit into the normal hunt gamemode
Let me know what would could improve upon this idea also the numbers are just what I think in my head I’m not tryina balance it right now just listing badass shit I’d like to see lol