Game breaking lobby (mistaken for cheating)

dont feel sorry for me mate i dont make fake threads about generally good fire teams by calling them out to be cheats your lvl 25 and you didnt even know they could climb a roof straight away you got that wrong! lol get good.

You argument is what? We are trying to say game is broken quz ppl can do OP shit like that, to because they are skilld, but because they are on PC and are exploits


Not buying it.


Not nice when the shoe is on the other foot right?

Mate I’m level 25 in fucking your mother and she never tells me I have to get good so cut the hostility?


Nah mate you make fake threads about being good at this game and being an authority on it.

You don’t have a clue what you’re on about.

You probably get a hard on when you shoot the predators mask off cause it’s the closest thing you have seen to a real pussy. P.s. they dont have teeth just so, you know… dont get confused when you finally grow up and a girl lets you touch her.

Find me a thread i created saying im good at this game!

Oh another lie lmfao.

Keep them coming lol

I do hope those 4 ft members come forward with your slandering lol

I’ve just seen you bragging not 10 minutes ago

Come on mate have a little consistency, you keep telling lie after lie and it’s getting old. It’s probably older than your mental age.

I know i hunts predators down lol and the roof top is your weak point and you experienced that first hand then got battered then cried on the forum like most pred mains.

Oh i got spotted it needs to go.
Oh i got lite up ft ammo needs decrease.
Oh ft cheat i just got killed.
Oh i bleeding green blood need it to be blue.
Oh i been hacked.

Oh oh oh oh spotted this spotted that lmfao.

Hold on buddah- who said I’m a predator main?

I play both but have probably played more FT games simply because of queue times.

You’re back pedalling, first I was lying now you’re making stuff up about my skill.

I’ve never professed to be great like you, I win and lose like the other more mortals here. But you weren’t there and didnt see it so everything you’re saying is speculation angrily fueled by the fact you think you’re pro and want to defend that lofty belief that you’re superior and on Par with those guys.

It isn’t all about you buttercup.

I didn’t get battered - I got fucking annihilated and the circumstances were abnormal. I’m not repeating myself about the glitching and being teleported and stuck to the spot with a black screen as well as the damage. It wasn’t right it was a total cluster fuck and you either need to accept this or you need to stop crying about it giving yourself a blowjob about how great you are and move on from it.

Thank you to everyone else who has taken my post seriously.

I think we have established some possible answers to what’s happened here.

We have also established that DeadEyedBuddah is a complete and utter dick who needs to get laid.

He reminds me of that Jeoffrey fellow off game of thrones the venomous little turd.

Stay away from pigeon pie buddah. If you keep behaving like this you might not make it to adulthood because someone one day is going to beat you so hard you wont know your own name at the end of it.

#bekind #grow

Now your saying your also a ft member but yet at lvl 89 so you say but didnt know you could climb a roof lmfao getting better these lies lol


Why are you still here?


I’m actually half surprised you haven’t done the usual fuckery of -

“This is my gamertag PM me we will 1v1 this and I’ll show you I’m pro”

You’re a fucking unpopular little toad and nobody likes you, you understand that dont you?

These regular forum poster guys dont even know me, and you post here all the time yet not one person has come to your defence because you’re a stupid, toxic little bastard and it seems everyone is sick of your bullshit.

You’re the type of kid who says “KYS” to people in game and thinks it’s normal.

Please, for the good of humanity never reproduce.

Go QQ in the corner and think about what you have done. You naughty boy.

Hello everybody
on screenshots our nicknames
this game was today and we remember it,
I was with friends and we are from Russia (sorry for my English)
we play without cheats we just talk in discord
about this game:

  1. to the roof with a blue mark run-30 seconds
  2. because we do not all have high graphics settings, we can better see through the trees
  3. you received a lot of damage because you stood in one place (in invisibility you also take damage imagine), in 2-3 seconds while you stood still 4 rifles worked for you
  4. about the dark screen, it most likely happened because your second wind worked or from a lot of damage. And when the second wind works, you fall from the trees
  5. about the fact that you asked us and they didn’t answer you ,because you were far away. The microphone in this game works like a walkie-talkie only if you are nearby
  6. you were chased because a ranger with a perk on running speed is pretty fast

two friends from time to time stream how we play together, if interested you can watch


Thank you for replying.

After much deliberation talking to other members of the forums here I have concluded that my game glitched.

If you are in Russia, this might have been made worse for me with connection lag if one of your team were hosts.

On my screen I was moving (aside from the moment where I stood still there to take a screenshot). After being downed the first time my screen went black and I was teleported to a position closer to the building you were camped on that I had never been near.

I can understand that this was outside of your control.

I encountered the same glitch again after I used second wind and my biomask was shot off right afterwards and it was from a far distance from a position where I was out of view.

If you have the video I would like to watch it to see how this looked at your end.

I will remove the names from the post, it wasn’t meant so much to name and shame but to identify you


I knew he was slandering you guys from the beginning lol, im a ft main and was the only guy here that can see you and your team was experienced, theres too many pred mains in here that cries soon as they are defeated lol, GG though taking the predator out. Lmfao :)

Name and shame please close thread.

report possible hakers/cheating scum to the devs leave it out of the forums FFS

You can get on the roof without using a single hack. You literally walk up the stairs, jump up onto barrels and vents. Voila, you are on the roof.

If they have decent players in their team? You will be spotted and tracked until you - the predator - disengage. Cloak isn’t invisble, unless you stand absolutely still. But they will still know where you are - roughly - if they knew where you were before that.

I’m a little tired of these sub-level-100 complaints that are obviously lack of experience because others figured out what to do before you did.

You claim “hacks”, but don’t you think this forum would be filled with posts “how to do that” once people figure it out.

We all want the same thing man, and this nonsense has to stop.

I get where you are coming from, but I was absolutely certain this was hacks from the behaviours of the game.

One of the people in the group have PM’d me and very kindly explained themselves.

It was a game breaking glitch and now they have been identified the names have been removed.

The names have been removed from the post because they came forward and it looks like I was experiencing a game breaking glitch.

It’s at least a point of discussion if anyone else has experienced the black screen teleport and sync issues

Imagine saying you have 20 years experience with pc gaming then choosing to run cinematic settings and making a thread claiming people that are better than you are hacking. 2020 2 strongk