Game crash Game systematically on PC

Alright Illfonic since the 1.11 update the game crashes systematically every pred game i try to play no matter what on PC. I paid this game but i cant play it due to constant crash and i have no issue when i m playing any other game for hours, but i PHG crashed 10 minutes max. Is there a chance you adress this issue anytime soon ?


I can report I had a few crashes on PC as predator also, but not as fireteam.

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System specs please…

Radeon 5700xts are fucking kia’s

It is on both ps4 and pc

This is exactly what happened to me today. Otherwise it doesn’t happen to me very often. It happened to me just when I died for FT. And one of the last members revived me via a radio station to call me back. But right at the moment of recovery, I got the game crashing on the WIndows desktop

RTX 2080 and an i7, win 10 with all the latest drivers, don’t have as many crashes as I get disconnects that you can not relogin until you restart the game, and you are constantly online

I’ve had blue screen crashes multiple times on PS4 while playing as Pred, never as FT.

Had the same issue while playing the Predator just recently.

Playing on that map with the pipeline (don’t know the name in English as Epic Games forced me to download a localised game instead of choosing a language that I prefer to play in).

Anyway, this happened at the end of the match basically. 4 FT members alive. Speared and killed a stray member, took his trophy. Rest of the squad called for evac. Rushed towards them, found another FT member away from his group. Took him down with the wrist blade. Just when I was about to take the trophy my game just crashed and switched off bringing me to the Epic Launcher screen.

My specs are: i7-6700K, 16GB RAM, GTX 1080, Win 8.1 and the game installed on an SSD.

This started happening just after the latest patch. I didn’t have the newest Nvidia drivers installed but that didn’t seem to be the isse pre-patch.

I hope this gets fixed soon as it is really a disappointing experience when you’re about to win and the game suddenly decides you’re not allowed to…

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Same here, but not every game, sometimes every second game, sometimes the fourth.
SPECS: I7-6700K, 16Gb RAM, RTX2070, WIN10, most adjustments of the settings below cinematic

you can change the language, quite easy, it just needs a one line command :

Is Illfonic even reading these? Same here. CTD while playing Predator. I5-8400, 16GB RAM, GeForce GTX 1060 6GB, Win10 64 bit

i get the game crashes only with pred,once every 6 or so games