Games that deserve a sequel.

I want the Carnage fusion from the recent issues.



Star wars republic commando.


I played helghast sniper and did the pew pew spam because screw fighting games, I have a gun.

Is Killzone a dead franchise now?

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The sequel managed to kill all hype for the franchise. I miss the anti-hero-maybe-villain open world genre.

With the mandalorian tv series we have now, I want a gritty republic commando adaptation. That game was surreally dreary. I didn’t know delta squad was still alive because I didnt finish Clone Wars.

Ultimate Spiderman 2.

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That is a step backwards

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I am disappointed in myself that I forgot to mention that game. I would love to see that make a comeback. It was a fantastic game.

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There are rumours that there will be a new one and I hope they’re true. I would love to see them go back to Killzone after the next horizon.

Lego Worlds: They did this game dirty. It was supposed to receive a survival DLC then they just canned it without saying anything about it and they tried to erase it by deleting the videos of the trailer for the DLC. Then they stopped working on the game. We need a sequel for this game since they did it dirty. And if you don’t know what this game is then to summarise it, is basically Minecraft but Lego. A bigger, better sequel would be great to see.

I’d really like LJN to rerelease their versions of F13 and Nightmare on Elm st.
I know they aren’t stellar games but I never got a chance to play them when I was young, only had the Commodore version of Friday.


I mean, I know Siphon Filter got a sequel on the PS-One but it definitely deserves to be reimagined/released for next gen consoles. Such a great game, good mix between stealth and action, good plot. There aren’t many modern games that can come close to how cool this game was except maybe Metal Gear games.

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I know it got a sequel that I haven’t played yet but Dragon Ball Xenoverse is pretty fun once you get the hang of it

Definitely will pick up the sequel later when the price comes down

I got the newest game Dragon Ball Kakarot for a third of the price!

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Zombies ate my Neighbors, it was an old 16bit Lucas Arts game. It does have a sequel called Ghoul Patrol that isn’t as good as the original but I’d still like it to receive a modern sequel.

You can play as either Zeke or Julie, or you can play 2 player. It references old horror ranging from the universal classics monsters to the 50’s giant monster craze, all the way up to 80’s slashers.
You get a crazy number of different weapons, squirt guns, cans of explosive Soda, weedwackers, fire extinguishers, crucifix’s, even Pandora’s box.


I feel it would make an awesome movie


The Darkness

WW1, demons and mobsters

What more do you need?


Wasn’t the darkness 3 leaked recently?

If it was it went under my radar

I don’t know if I said this already but

Conkers Bad Fur Day

It’s the best game ever created

Lollipop chainsaw.

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Never played the first one but I’ll play a sequel!

Red dead redemption

I want to know what really happened in black water and on that ship

By the power of Grayskull, Heman and the masters of the universe NEEEEEDS a proper sp/RDR2 sized adventure where you can play as multiple masters, ride Battlecat and operate several vehicles and explore Castle Grayskull in detail. It should have several light RPG elements like leveling up and improving weapons and armor, etc (so you could make yourself into Battle-armor Heman or Smash-blade Heman). It should have tons of side quests encompassing some of the most different regions of Eternia. It should have at least 2 DLCs, one for the snake men and one for the Horde, where She-ra could be unlocked as a playable character. Thats what the gaming world- Nay! The ENTIRE world needs right now!