Gear and weapons


Add a vision mode that locates fire team objectives and traps.

Noose trap. Hung from a tree branch, snares and lifts any player that walks into it by their feet, no damage but completely immobilizes the victim. Destructible only by ft members that aren’t trapped. If the trapped prey is still trapped upon arrival the predator pulls him up to the branch skins him and hangs him .

Plasma mine. Explodes with a blinding flash causing small damage. Sticks to walls.

Falcon drone. Spots ft members, ammo crates, Ft objectives and health kits in the area. Replaces the target isolation. Can give away predators location upon return.

Razor whip. Can wrap a ft member and pull him towards the predator or perform a quick combo of lashes.

Shuriken. Thrown like a spear, travels in a strait line and moves towards anyone close to its trajectory. Returns automatically. Predator can still move and control his body.

Fire team:

Trip mines explode dealing high damage to the predator.

Thermal blocking makeup from stalking shadows. Lasts longer than mud with limited Reapplication.

3 round burst rifle

Feel free to add any ideas here.


Different ammo types
And Predator Specializations
Made a post about them here
Predator specialisations Ideas