Gear perk idea

“Tinkerer” 4 points

  • bear traps arm faster
  • motion sensors deploy faster and pinpoint enemies for an increased amount of time
  • audio lures play sounds for an increased amount of time before expiration
  • wrist launcher deals 10% more DOT
  • healing from second wind grants 10% more health

because. you. dont know what you’re talking about.

  • nothing wrong with the time traps are armed. You ALWAYS deploy them ahead of time so whats the problem? Even throwing them ontop of some person in realtime already serves its purpose.
  • Doesn’t even matter because Motion sensors are rarely deployed during combat, if so increased time doesn’t stop FT from destroying them.
  • audio lures don’t have expiration
  • wrist launcher doesn’t deal DOT
  • healing from second wind… i mean…you need to clarify why. so how much does a med give you after second wind?

yeah they do, they blow up by themselves after a certain time frame

eyeballing it looks like about a fourth of your total health

this just shows that you haven’t played this game in forever. really the only way to use traps nowadays is to throw them either right next to or directly on top of the fireteam because if you throw it 10 feet away it’s just get blown up immediately because of the extremely loud beeping noise they make.

in short, YOU don’t know what YOURE talking about. play the game before running your mouth. how long has it been for you, 2 years?


nobody does that.

Because yes that’s what I said you should do. What do you mean nowadays? They always did that.

You’re so quick to judge people Shameus.

since when? @FromTheHood ? and is it worth sitting around complaining about?

Serves you right! Don’t second wind.