Get it right: Taunt SFX NEEDED

I know when I’ve heard it done it may be completely identical to a team mates voice. But when all your team mates are MALE, and hearing a female voice it doesnt strike me as a deterant. Just slightly odd.
But close to Eerie.
I think if they got the taunts correctly we might hear sounds along the lines of what was done in PRedators. Where it sounds like the player but in a much more whispering ghostly tone or deathly tone of voice.

OR it can be done in the Original or in Predator 2 where the voice is somewhere between the original voice and a machine voice (digitally manipulated). I think the machine voice is cooler but having both would be tremendously awesome and frightful at the same time.

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This is actually a good point. I am sure the synthesis and process of voices can be done right. I mean, for the Predators to have male or Female predator voices mimicking what sex the team mates are.

Just as you said, the voice of a female of the predator towards a Fireteam full of males and vice versa (male for a Fireteam full of females) it kind of defeats the purpose of the luring effect.

⚠ Important note: would also be a nice touch to actually add in the gadgets doing the sound and/or the voice wheel the iconic sound from the movie, the one with “Over here…!” that is made in a loud type of whisper.

These additions would work properly on the fear factor that the Predator needs to infuse into the Fireteams.

The mimic wheel needs to be reworked into a taunt wheel, because no one is going to fall for the Predator’s cries for help

My personal favorite Predator taunt that this game needs right now
It’s time-stamped

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It needs to work on the premise of use once (completely identical to a team mates), use a second time (doesnt matter which one, it will sound crackly and slightly warped), use a third time within 30 seconds (it will be digitized and eerie).

Currently it still carries an ambience where ever you use it, like there is an reverb to it that doesnt sound local as it always did in the movies (not canonically authentic).


Somewhat like what I posted