Getting Banned from BTL’s Stream because Fans Noticed Me

Well well well! Never thought I’d find myself at the end of a Drama stick again, but hey! That’s the life of a YouTuber. So this video brings with me entering BloodThirstyLord’s YouTube Livestream, just wanted to give this guy a second chance. He is possibly considered one of the most hated people in Predator Hunting Grounds and for good reason.

After joining and greeting everyone, I was soon spotted by my awesome followers and subscribers. We talked and interacted, then BloodThirstyLord said “No Self Promoting” when I clearly wasn’t. I was confused and left it alone, I went back to talking with some of the people in chat, talking builds and what weapons are good to use as I heard a lot of blasphemy he was speaking. Anyways the stream continued till more and more people recognized me, not I knew this was gonna be a problem and I tried to stop it, but I also knew no matter what I did it was too late.

BloodThirstyLord then began to throw a fit about me Self Promoting again, however I wasn’t nor was I trying to. Eventually I got kicked / Banned out from not only his Livestream but also his Discord which I had alittle fun in there, some people where upset in the stream and called him out on it. They too suffered the same fate but I’m not gonna lie, the one person named “The Feral Predator” was a real Nomad Fan! I respect him and hope he sees this video and maybe join the discord, and for anyone else who stuck up for me and got kicked or banned, the discord is always open.

So out of a sense of Justice, I compiled some evidence and some things he said that have him as he is, a hypocrite. I expose him for who he hides himself to be - a con artist, thief, back stabbing, using anyone he deems worthy as a stepping stone to reach his goal, of a false king.

I hope you enjoy because honestly the truth needs to be brought to light of what he is, and it’s coming with many voices ready to speak out soon…

The Video where BloodThirstyLord showed his true colors:


He seen people talking to you and his insecure pea brain said no, get him out, my fans image


To be fair , I cant criticise the guy , I would have done the same 😄


To be fair if I was in your livestream regardless you’d throw my ass out for saying Hello🤣



MF you made me choke on my food🤣💀

…Imma take this though


Thats what I meant . This kind of comes across as trying to get some attention from another channel , as for saying he is the most hated PHG streamer? Is he really? And according to who? I would imagine it wouldn’t be hard even if he was considering there is about 6 people who stream this shite game


Can you put a time stamp of when it happened?

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Well to put your mind at ease, I wasn’t going in to monetize myself. I actually wanted to see BloodThirstyLord after a long time away from his content, I was curious and I guess my mistake for saying hello or interacting with the people in the chat.

As for most hated PHG’s content creator, everyone can agree to this guy being so. People who’ve been ripped off or had their content stolen by him with him claiming them to be his own discovery align with many cliackbaits and so on and so forth. Also the guys kinda of a hypocrite.

On the original video or when he blew up on me on my video?

Examples of this?

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While I may not be a fan of nomad (nothing personal, you’re a decent fellow but just not my interest] I’m going to have to go team nomad here. BTL immediately accuses people of cheating/hacking/stream sniping whenever he starts to lose against a halfway competent FT or player. Dudes got a massive ego and it shows.


Oh wait i clearly have brain damage I didn’t see you made a video my bad!

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Hey I understand, and that’s okay I take no offense to not being a favorite in the community. However I also agree with what you say here, man got major ego issues especially when it comes to other content creators.

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In the video, I showed content stolen by @P-willie2000 along side @Crazyboy9YT who where coming YouTubers at their time and posted videos about what they discovered or build only for moments later BTL posing the same exact thing claiming them to be their own with no credibility.


Yeah he literally admitted to ‘Stone Cold Killer’ I believe, that he stole his Thanos build and used it as his own🤣
He stole secret stealth kills etc from @Crazyboy9YT
He stole leaked 15 player game mode and Demon Alpha Predator from @P-willie2000
And I would like to think he stole the Jason Voorhees build from me seeing as I had a Jason Berserker build since launch of the game but I didn’t have a channel at the time lol so🤣

But yeah it says it all he lost his mind over “StOp sElF pRoMoTiNg!!! sO dIsReSpEcTfUl!!!” As soon as he saw people gave a shit about something other than himself🤣


I understand you weren’t self-promoting
I also understand a lot of streamers, him included, have way too big of an ego and can’t deal with trolls
I was literally trolling on his stream for a while, is what I mostly do here and in social media cause I love how people lose their shit over it. Is funny how people who aren’t even big enough to be relevant take this shit so serious, while people who are big don’t give a fuck and don’t even acknowledge and enable trolls


So two people?

Bro , not hating as I dont really care , but you were patting yourself on the back with a few others over kissing illfonics balls (2 year "Anniversary"video) to then turn on them once you came to the realisation everyone else was at.

You say builds are stolen , you are talking about a game with a very fucking limited character customisation menu , you make up lore etc for yours , but do you think you are the first to do most of the options that you do? For a time you weren’t very popular on here either , so does that make you one of the least liked PHG streamers on the forum? Which is a limited number of the playerbase and thats also what you and your friends opinions are on this BTL goon . Limited .

I cant speak for the playerbase as a whole , but neither can anyone else


Something tells me you where a huge COD fan who played gun game to demote people back in the day?