Give the fireteam a flamethrower

I feel like a flamethrower could work in this game. It could have some kind of similar bleed effect on the predator as the katana does to fireteam members. It would only be effective in close range but could deal a good amount of damage to the predator. The flames would also stay on the predator and make him visible while he’s cloaked for a good amount of time.

This could really work well in a night time mode too. The fireteam needs more cool stuff, and the predator already has a lot of interesting weapons. Instead of adding new classes, Illfonic should focus on adding new and interesting weapons to both the fireteam and the predator. I got my inspiration from the AVP extinction game by the way.

What are your thoughts?


Just need them grenades!


I could definately see fire grenades, but not so sure about the flamethrower.

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Incendiary grenades seem like a pretty cool idea too but what’s the difference between that and a frag grenade?

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The incendiary grenade could put a damage over time effect on the Predator when he gets hit by it. Set on fire for a short time?

Could also be used to burn away pig carcasses so the Predator cant come back and use them?

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Its gotta light up the area really quickly…set it on fire and let it rise and engulf all that approaches. Thats the point. it keeps it hot!

Hmm, burning the pig carcasses seem a bit too OP lol. The damage over time effect is what I suggested for the flamethrower.

The flamethrower doesn’t have to be its own weapon either, it can just be an attachment for an assault rifle like the hammerhead.

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WP grenades sure but a flamethrower is reaching.

They gotta get creative and add something that will make more people play fireteam. If not a flamethrower, then some other kind of cool weapon.

I’m down for incendiary grenades but I don’t think a flamethrower would work in this game.

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Yeah flame flower are for things that are slow and vermin like. Not …super hyper fast aliens with green blood and body builder physique.

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An incendiary grenade would be a lot harder to use on the predator though. I barely get hit by frag grenades when I play as the predator. A flamethrower could work for close encounters with the predator.

Here’s another game mode


This mode takes place in an active warzone

Two opposing factions (can span different time periods) fight for control of the map by capturing various locations across the map.

Predator chooses the most worthy prey and gets more XP by claiming players high up on the leaderboard


You could easily use a incendiary grenade for a swath of tactical approaches engaging the Predator. I don’t think you need a slow ass minigun like weapon weighing you down while only getting very minimal range, just isn’t synergistic for this game in my opinion. Minigun is fine enough for pray and spray

I dunno, I don’t see the incendiary grenade being that effective against the predator. If you throw it somewhere and create a fire, the predator can easily leap over it. The flamethrower on the other hand could be a great counter for melee predators.

I don’t think flamethrowers are that heavy and just having it as an attachment on one of the guns would be good enough.

There’s already fires and fire barrels in this game that damage both parties, why not turn fire into a useable weapon?

Honest discussion here. But the way i see it you can aim with a grenade launcher or even hand thrown inc. grenade. So…what if pred can jump out or over it…he can’t do anything if it lands on him.

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Would it be OP to burn up some pigs so the Predator couldn’t use them to heal?

I mean the Predator can blast healing kits with the plasma caster all day long, with little drain on its resources.

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And even setting a pred on fire… you’ll able to see him if he’s cloaked? Not sure if thats true though. But he gets singed black.

If Illfonic fixed the pig spawns then I’d be okay with letting fireteams burn the pigs.

Fireteams already have more than enough healing items, destroying one med kit would just slightly even the playing field in terms of healing items.

It wouldn’t have to be like the Predator would be engulfed by any means maybe a few places on the Predators body that have small flames on it?

Like you said it would render the cloak ineffective for the duration of the fire effect and I honestly think a lot of Predator players would not be cool with that.