What kind of an idiot even came up with this idea? Making your character lock on to Fireteam players when you start using melee attacks? What if i want to get away from the Fireteam quickly then?
This function has caused me more trouble than help, how come there is no option to turn it off considering how long the game has been up and running?
Give us an option to remove the auto aim
Wait…what? Didn’t realise there was an auto-aim at all in this game, and nothing during my gameplay has indicated that it is there…🤔
If you hit the melee button a couple of times near a Fireteam player your aim will lock on to that player for a couple of seconds.
I’ll make sure to be mindful of that, thanks 👍🏼
What the f…? I will definitely check that out… One more feature probably nearly nobody knows? Thanks Dexter :)
oh yeah the melee tracking? you uh do now that was added post release it was something people had to ask for right? because before that melee literally couldn’t hit FT cause they could walk faster than weapons could swing aside from the combistick but that was nerfed too
VERY different to auto-aim, which is what PS4 players DONT have and NEED. (aim-assist)
Yes, the melee tracking, my Predator is automaticly aiming towards the Fireteam player so that’s why i call it auto aim. Once it does track/aim i can’t jump or leap to the direction i want, which has been very frustrating many times, leading to either very screwed up leaps into tree trunks, building walls and even second wind.
You mean aim assist? Yes that would be nice to have it turned off (Still don’t know why aim assist is even a thing in games anyway).
Auto aim, melee tracking, aim assist, you name it. xD
The function that causes my Predator to lock on target for several seconds when i use melee attacks at the Fireteam.
Any more names for it? :D:D:D