Gladiator Detailed Stats


  • Health Points - 1500
  • Movement Speed - 9.4 m/s
  • 15 Gear Points | 9 Perk Points
  • Specializations: Tracker | Vicious | Warrior
  • Inflicts 10.0% increased Melee Damage
  • Stamina Capacity - 1125
  • Stamina Regeneration/sec - 140
  • Energy Capacity - 1350
  • Energy Regeneration/sec - 84
  • Overload Cooldown - 16.05 seconds
  • Slam damage - 93

My thoughts: In my estimation, the Gladiator is basically a slightly upgraded version of Berserker. The option to have Tracker paired with a large health pool will give newer players a decent predator, but veterans will find the available specializations useless and the low stamina capacity and regen to immobilizing against above average coordinated fireteams.

Notes: the trident seems to be a weak copy of the combistick, but you get 3 for multiple successive throws.


You did good, you did good. Honestly he handles pretty well. His Health helps a lot but damn that Stamina is a shot in the knee.

SMH it would have been better as a combistick skin

When has a predator ever carried more than one combistick in any form of media??

It’s not cool

It’s cheap


dmg on tridend around 50 ?

Usually i would buy the dlc the same day even if i barely or never use the class. This one havent felt the want and def not the need to buy it. I have the trident already so no point in buying it. The mask is ugly as fk the body armor is ok but not enough where i wanna use it and customize the rest and like i said the trident is there to use already so gonna skip this one. If they woulda listened to which predator some of us wanted maybe it coulda turned out better. Done beatin the dead horse on that tho


God that sucks…60-65 would have been better, not enough to be OP but enough to compete with Supports, Dutches and Dantes.

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I havent tested in private well, but vs a glad trident throw i got 51 dmg on my ft

With analytic + downrange it can get up to 60s

Combi + 1 trident combo with those buffs can down some classes but it wont be enough vs op class comps


Yeah. That’s about right for the throw.

Added the rest of the stamina and energy related stats, and my thoughts on how useful the class is.


Thanks for testng and posting the stats for us. Don’t see a reason to use gladiator over any other pred. Gameplay with gladiator just feels bad in all aspects. It has nothing beneficial that sets it apart from the other preds.


Just did an in-game energy consumption comparison between Berserker and Gladiator using a stop watch and found out that Gladiator has much higher/faster drain on energy when running cloak with thermal.

Gladiator’s energy drains in 26 seconds without any energy perks equiped when cloaked and using thermal. It drains in 36 seconds with Light Bender, Modified Energy, and Heated perks equiped. There’s not much benefit from using these perks on Gladiator.

Berserker’s energy drains in 32 second without any energy perks when cloaked and using thermal. It drains in 49 seconds with Light Bender, Modified Energy, and Heated perks equiped. There’s a significant benefit to using one or more these perks on Berserker.

It’s clear that Berserker’s energy efficiency is much better than Gladiator, especially when using energy reduction perks.

I probably need to retest some of the older numbers, also some predators have a higher drain from their cloaking, but that is usually only used on predators with a high rate of energy regeneration.

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Trident Testing - no buff body damage = 54 hp, no buff headshot damage = 65 dmg

Trident 1000 hp = they can be destroyed by fireteam

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Well, shit.

That’s wild.

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Okay. I’ve retested Berserker and Gladiator, and here’s what I’ve measured.

Berserker’s cloak costs 90 energy per second

Gladiator’s cloak costs 102 energy per second

So even though Gladiator and Berserker have equal energy capacity and Gladiator has slightly higher energy regeneration, Berserker can stay cloaked longer because of significantly reduced Cloak energy cost.



How come I get the feeling this is just Illfonic voicing how they really think about us or is it just me?


I’ve had the same feeling, not gonna lie. A lot of what they’ve done lately seem like a thin veil of sarcasm towards the community. And of course we all keep eating it up, so it just proves them right.

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