There, I’ve used the feedback section. For what it’s worth.
As above. The design is sh*t and is a random prioritisation for a design that is both distracting and adds very little…
There, I’ve used the feedback section. For what it’s worth.
As above. The design is sh*t and is a random prioritisation for a design that is both distracting and adds very little…
we know lol. did you try him in pubs or privates?
I feel like Gladiator is very low on the tier list. Its only saving grace is being able to use tracker with the disc. At that point the disc is really carrying the class. Even then, the Falconer or Hunter are better options as they have better energy and stamina. Gladiator has an identity issue as it has no decent stats that make it stand out from the other low rated preds. Its speed is average, it has terrible stamina to do melee, and its energy drain is so abysmal that it can’t cloak for very long. The pitiful energy makes using the plasma caster pointless. It also has poor energy overload recharge time. Even Berserker and Chopper perform better if you play to their limited strengths.
To make Gladiator better/ useful, Illfonic should give it a few more perk points, much better stamina and stamina regen (similar to what Amazon has), and the highest melee damage at around 15% or more melee damage. That would make it worth using and set it apart from other preds while not making it overpowered. It would also make it in line with the theme of gladiators, that is specializing in melee combat.
God no.
I’ve got the trident unlocked for free, and can’t stand the sight of the stocky fella with his weird helmet.
Just looks ridiculous.
Pirate and Amazon are ok with the whole jungle/space pirate vibe
Viking is pushing it, but the mask is still cool.
Samurai/Gladiator - yeesh
Stats for gladiator - yeesh
I’ve seen @Samhain13 video, as well as others
The disc works well, but throwing toothpicks is not my idea of fun
A.good melee trident rebalance that is designed to STAB (i.e. Devil May Cry Stinger - wykyk) would represent the build better
i agree, stabbing is better. when i play cod and run around with a knife i verbally yell “POKE! POKE! STAB!” its fantastic, and id love being able to do that with depredador
i had fun with that shit somehow, i must be bored
Yep, makes total sense for it to be a different class of weapon
combi + trident, you can throw 4, shit is funny
It’s because your toothpicks land my friend. Hats off to you.
Mine hit things needlessly
The design is fine
What makes it shit is that it’s little more than a skin
Every Predator should come with new weapons, perks and equipment
The Trident offers nothing new