Gladiator Predator Release Date Confirmed (Not Sus)

It will release on Thanksgiving 11/28/2024

And I have a special announcement

On top of being the #1 source for hacking and being the best player in the game I will also be the #1 source for all upcoming leaks

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why tahsnkgiving? why not tomorrow? hm? o christmaso? or nyday? what makes you so special!???
what happened too you Mayoman? You sold us out!


Feeling sad yet @BadBlood? need a pickle?

Sorry for the delay but due to the backlash of fans the Gladiator Predator will be delayed until 12/25/2024 in order to gender swap and give the predator massive predator tiddies

It has been confirmed at

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Its for the 3th of december in my opinion

The thirth?

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yes u dingdong, the thirdth

you calling me a dingdong, you dingdong? You a dingdong!

What’s hilarious to me is the fact that ppl actually think that’s real and they click on your link.


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I guess it won’t be today given the time…