Glitch with interesting results

Ok, so I got hit with the loadout reset glitch.

Now I was about to go reset everything back to the way it was but I noticed something at the last second.
My specializations didn’t get reset

So here are each of my loadouts

My Support

My Recon


My Dutch 2025 (was testing some stuff)

Thoughts and opinions on this

Just @ ing people to get the ball rolling
@TheSenate @Dan20017

I will eat your soul

@John_Herbert sick em’ boy!!!


Let him come
I’m more then ready to duke it out
Rocket (1)

Do they work?

I’m testing to see if amphibious on Scout works, can’t really tell if the other work unless someone wants to assist me

These are default classes?

Yes the names, some gear, some perks, and specializations didn’t change

Another one for the fire

Amphibious definitely works ✔️

So it switched the specs to different classes then

Pretty much
Currently I’ve got no way to recreate this occurrence

We’re doomed

I got my ass kicked as my broken Scout with Amphibious

Gotta love how broken this game is xD

The controler mapping is the most broken part, and it was intentionally broken

My brother had scout with field medic. It was fairly effective.

Except Scout having no health

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Dear god. They actually work.