Going to space cures cancer

But you will become a mutant

It doesnā€™t say it cures cancer it says radiation isnā€™t a risk of cancer

In fact later on it says the mutations makes cancer more likely

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Lol hey just keeping everyone aware and on their toes lol

Iā€™m slowly starting to realize that itā€™s not politicians, or journalists thatā€™s wrong with the world

Itā€™s just people

Politicians and journalists just so happen to be people themselves

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Yes and they need to be paid to lol

Egocentricity is a disease. We have been manipulated.
ā€œCulture is not your friendā€ -Terence Mckenna

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Pilots have like a 70% chance of having daughters compared to sons.
Itā€™s either radiation or damage to the Y chromosome.

Oh wow šŸ˜Æ

ā€œThe presence of these mutations does not necessarily mean that the astronauts will develop cardiovascular disease or cancer, but there is the risk that, over time, this could happen through ongoing and prolonged exposure to the extreme environment of deep space,ā€ Goukassian added.

I guess we shouldnā€™t freeze blood and keep it in zero gravity for 20 years. I guess.

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Lol I didnā€™t expect that kind of answer from you since you been memeing as a wrestling champion lol

I;ve been meming all sorts of shit. funny, but it is retort of reality. Donā€™t expect me to give you a real answer. it will probably blow you clear out of the waters on this forum.

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I want to know though šŸ˜«

Regular pilots or space? If space, how many test subjects were in the study?

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