GOOD/BAD SCALE (Yautja Code Suggestion)

yep but anytime we get a thread like this its about the pred wiping 0 coordination pubs and wanting some external factor to drag the game out. Tho preds already the one with the longer queue times.

DBDs janky pip farming system is the only thing thats somewhat discouraged wiping people in an asymmetrical game. That and Evolve had phases and really big health pools. Doesnt work nearly as well here because you can’t outright kill people in DBD & match progression is controlled.

The issue with PHG is that it has no phases at all. Gameplay has no pacing you just spawn in and try to wipe the other team
Its basically an arena deathmatch that just happens to have optional AI in it.
This is Evolve but JUST phase 1, no alternative playstyles/ no real classes + a timer. There’s no bandaid solution to that & ppl left here are just here for the pred logo. Its like the 100th “just print more xp and encourage grinding” suggestion the grind isnt the problem the game itself is shallow & repetitive because we have yet to get a gamemode with any kind of depth.
FT stares at the ground holding interact X amount of times then the chopper comes.

There is no code anymore, not in this game

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Who is Acid Glow? I made him rage quit mid match last night.

Weve had this discussion many times, and every time we tell you no.

Look, if the game was balanced to completely replicate the movies, then something like this might work.

But you’re misunderstanding something about their honor. They wouldn’t care if they killed an entire group quickly, or with only one weapon.

YouTuber, used to make a lot of vids on AVP 2010 multiplayer back in the day, I watched his stuff.

He quits when he gets shot a lot during a match or when he sees certains names on the lobby.

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And seriously, why did you post this as a new idea?
It’s been mentioned so many times.

It’s not good simply because how the game is.

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He’s a YouTuber

Does cool videos about predator/alien lore


At this point the worst idea ever (in my opinion this is a good idea) would make this game better in a sense.

So putting on a bunch of restrictions on pred that would severely hinder him would make things better?

The games severe lack of balance makes this a horrible idea.

How about giving negative points for fireteams that use dante ?

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Silly Sam, FT has no honor so the points would be meaningless. Case in point, fuck pred and their creative outfits.

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like in the infamous game acts honorable xp and skills and unbelievable slow down force etc? it would be perfect

I mean it’s not a bad idea especially considering Predator lore and all that but if a Predator claims against a good Fireteam they’re gonna get fuckin melted. The only thing that a Predator is showing me when he claims someone is that he is stupid. The only way a claim is useful is to get a first kill out of the way or if you are miles away from the rest of the Fireteam. I mean I almost never claim, but if I win against a good team I’m still getting a very high amount of XP of anything between 10 and 18k depending on how much damage they deal and whether they complete the mission, and whether reinforcements is used.

For all the good I would do killing countless Fireteam members in this thing, I would still end up a Bad Blood because I play to win, not to be a Predator from the movie and get cocky whilst playing with my prey and then getting killed because of sheer stupidity.

Again, it’s not a bad concept, but the system fails the game. This would be a good thing for slaughtering countless potatoes but not good teams.

Realistically you should be awarded for playing smart like the Predator from the original movie. He only attacked the soldiers who were on their own, picked them off one at a time, only used wrist blades in an ambush attack e.g. on Hawkins or to finish off Dillon after quite intelligently (and quite literally) disarming him with his Plasma Caster. He would always catch the soldiers by surprise, from behind.

The Jungle Hunter was a smart Hunter who observed his prey closely and knew the deadliness and firepower of his Prey, so he wouldn’t go rushing in to get obliterated by gunfire, he would observe, and keep watch of the soldiers from a safe range in a tree and when one of them became separated he would strike, and the target wouldn’t even know what hit them, before they hit the ground.

The Jungle Hunter only gave honourable duels to the ones who deserved one. He fought Billy as he stood challenging him to hand to hand combat, he gave Dutch a no weapon fist fight because he earned it.

And in a game that is very, VERY heavily based on the first movie, you should Hunt the same way.

People who stand with their knife out as soon as they see you don’t deserve a knife fight, they deserve to get an arrow in their head.

People who complain about Plasma are just complaining about the way the original Predator Hunted. They aren’t true fans or understand what a Predator really is.

A true Predator will use whatever tactics, whatever weapons, and whatever smarts and resourcefulness they can to win, and tear every Fireteam member apart.

Oh, and another thing, is if a Fireteam member is moaning about how you play, then why don’t they put down their Dantes, Field Medics, infinite spots, PDLs and overpowered weaponry.

As Predator, Hunt like the Jungle Hunter, and be ruthless. Don’t give a fuck what the Fireteam say because they are dead. Happy Hunting 👍

If we would play by this I would be labeled Bad Blood for the use of Bow + Wrist Blades only.
Lmao 🤣🤣🤣🤣

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All of this is a good idea.

With current game balanced it isnt.

That’s just wrong.

You want a good idea?
2v8 or 3v10/12.
Hunt with longer missions.

That’s it. Nice and simple.


That sounds good. 👍

@Fire what other ideas fo you have?

I mean if were going purely off this topic, change the game to match the movies, make the pace slower and heavily stealth focused and this will work.

I got like I think 3 other ideas maybe more, but it’s a lot to type and I dont want to go off topic on this post.

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