A ton of people take what they know about “gaming” and put that to use in PHG.
Some of it is transferable, some of it goes completely against what a “Predator” game could be.
My suggestion:
If a predator “plays as a predator should” you are rewarded with positive EXP.
List of things to increase hunt exp:
- versatile use of gear/weaponry
- attempting to be stealthy or stalk your Prey
- being within a certain vicinity of FT (current vicinity is almosy impossible to obtain )
- Claims (long or short should be 2nd exp priority/amount of exp)
- Stealth kills (biggest priority/amount of exp)
If a predator player “plays against the code” you recieve a negative amount of exp that decreases your score:
List of things to decrease hunts exp:
- ego hunting, not for sport (team wiping, within 1-2 mins of hunt)
- singular use of a weapon (after first kill with same weapon, exp starts to decrease after every kill that follows, could lead to decreasing overall exp)
- attacking defenseless FT (downed state or Netted in a net)
The “title” you earn based off the exp you have either gained or lost during your hunt.
The grade list would be as follows:
BAD BLOOD: Overall exp reached bellow 0 through acting as a bad blood(NEGATIVE EXP)
UNBLOODED: The neutral starting point. (ZERO)
WARRIOR: 5k exp
ELITE: 10k exp
ELDER: 15k exp
ANCIENT: 20k exp
(Values aren’t concrete and are just suggestions to see where you land on the “Hunt Grade Scale”)
FT could also have some form of grade scale for how they play, but let’s save that for another thread!
Not a good idea? How could it be different?