Good Predators (Giving credit to)

I thank i have im not to sure

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All predators can receive contact

J2ezg50 is the best ps4 predator I ever seen, his name is maybe SCK_leader.

You don’t see James Cameron’s name, until him come caaaalin.


All I remember is a blinding flash of light, a mini-sub emerging at the River Camp and then suddenly the Predator and my 3 teammates being insta-killed. The last thing I saw was that mini-sub disappearing under the water, and I knew James Cameron had been here.

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Oh thanks man. I see how it is

I’ve never played against you.

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Are you sure about that kind sir.

Didn’t we melt you though😉

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Sadly the first time yea the second time I caught you alone lol. Im still up to play when the whole crew is around. Havent heard much from @Kalypsio tho or even @Drakos

They’ve moved on, I doubt they’ll ever come back to the game either unless the new map and modes are phenomenal. Alot of my old teammates refuse to come back to this game, especially when they’re having more fun on other games like Ghost Of Tshushima, Ace Combat, GTA… Sad, but it is what it is. I’m more of a Pred main now, only dip into Fireteam to catch up with specific people and smash out challenges.


Who plays ace combat? Im a ace in ace combat. I have loved those games since the ps1 i need information

Kalypsio, I think.

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Ohhh shi. I love that game. I have a flight stick and. Vr for it. The vr trips me out so I dont play with it much but its good fun for about a half hour in vr

Historical fact.

That other dude you used to play with will return when the map arrives. Was he in the team that killed DhRauta?

@ProziPix is the best predator main ingame right now, I don’t think anyone else comes even close. I would say that I used to be very good at the game but I barely play anymore due to just getting burned out from playing the same 3 maps and game mode over and over since April. I now spend more time editing and putting memes in my videos rather than sweating as hard as I used to :)


The prophecy is true!!
I believe he was if the legends are to be trusted.

It warms James Cameron’s hearts to know that the other guy melted him. Makes those attempted come backs seem more futile.

James Cameron killed his pred 3 times in one round today by accidentally pushing the fire button on the controller. James Cameron usually fights these guys with only his baseball bat.