Goodbye for now Hunting Grounds...

Dont get me wrong I really have been enjoying it but to be realistic it will take months for a campaign to be built so for now I have to warm up to the idea and be comfortable with it being a party with friends game, I hope they do more

Right but there is the possibility in the future of more then playing matches to gain V in small amounts to unlock the huge amount of cosmetic upgrades for both fireteam and pred and maybe if I just continue that grind before I know it they’ll surprise me with more, I dont want a roadmap either let them work and deliver content that they’re comfortable putting out not rush and hand me a steaming pile of shit that they have to go back and fix

I feel you man. I’m a huge Pred fan and I’ve been loving this game since launch day but I’m also taking a bit of a break until some new content is added.
I appreciate all the work Illfonic have done and are doing right now but until some new maps or game modes or even some new weapons/ skins are added I think a short break is needed.
I hope we hear something from Illfonic soon, even if it’s just when or if they’re planning on showing us their road map for what’s coming in the future, I think that would peak people’s interest again.


Road maps dont do anything positive for us they force trash to be released becuase people are expecting it and then devs spend the next month trying to fix things that wouldnt need fixing if they don’t have a release date then they can release better content I like logging on and seeing something surprising rather then get hyped by a roadmap only to feel super disappointed when I doesnt meet the expectations I simply come to the forum once a day and see if they’ve announced something, planning gaming would be like it was a job rather then something I do for enjoyment. I feel that dates make bugged content that they spend time fixing making the next thing on the date calendar suffer and come out the same, so they release that and then fix as they go dropping more lack luster content it’s a snowball effect that has ruined other games for me

Dont get me wrong, I dont want pred to be able to wipe the FT,

I have a whole super post of how to balance both sides.

However pred still needs to be the predator, not the prey.

Balance needs to be in his favor, but not in the way that he can walk in and wipe everyone in one go.


Right predator shouldn’t be prey, but good luck forcing people to do it that way if they nerf it too much they ruin the game overall and players leave FT should complete the mission while fending off the predator and the predators just hunt but most fireteams that I match with seems to just hunt it and the heck with the objective idk if they can do it but for the games sake I hope so

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I do agree with you

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The best way to force this kind of gameplay, is to make predator squishier, but improve his cloak significantly, whilst also making matches longer.

Encourage people to play fireteam with guranteed more veritanium

Of course other changes need to be made, but thats why I made this.

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