Old rework post, ignore. (Fresh post linked)

Deleted, Creating a fresh post for the massive revisions.


Wow this is really good and its too early for my brain to think of a cohesive response to this right now. Off the top of my head i love how it sounds, but the pred stealth might be buffed a little TOO much. I like 100% invis while crouch walking allot though.

I might come back to make a better reply after i sleep. It looks cool though!

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Thanks man, I think that its offset by a few things. Swapping staminas between berz and scout, means that scout is gonna have alot less mobility to work with, even though he goes further, he cant go consistently. This will mean that even if scout secures a down, with plasma caster or bow, he cant jump in reliably to take the kill, He could technically still bait rescuers, but he isnt going to be able to jump down and melee as well as zerker would. Zerker would be able to melee better, but he wouldnt have access to the really powerful part of ranged combat, not without gimping perks. I think the stealth is fair. And when it comes to moving along the trees, crouching walking along branches makes pred slower, and even though he can jump from tree to tree, while maintaining stealth, once he starts moving fast, he will still be trackable, especially if the spot mechanic remains as it is right now. So it would be interesting.

Also pred health would be back down to the levels they were at before the most recent patch. Meaning that they would be squishier in melee combat

Hacking mini games very good idea as the ft speed blitz the missions sometimes the helicopter is there when there 8 mins left to go in a match :/


I appreciate the work, but this is very clearly biased towards making the Predator even more unbalanced compared to the Fireteam. It is already in the Predatorā€™s favor and the game doesnā€™t need to become a hack and slasher like dead by daylight. You had the right ideas until you got to Predator and Fireteam changes.


Games like these should always be in the favor of the smaller team. Thatā€™s the point. That being said. I didnt give predator all of the buffs. The biggest point is that the predator will be weaker again. If he fucks up in melee range, or even in some long range scenarios, hes gonna get deleted. But the improved stealth and stalking mechanics will allow pred to pick and choose his battles. And the stealth kill mechanic, while if it is pulled off, is really strong. The fireteam still needs to one, stand still enough to let him take such a kill. And two, be dumb enough not to run away when it happens.


Trust me. I donā€™t want pred to wipe the fireteam immediately. But if his stealth is strong enough to close the distance and stalk, that will allow the devs to bring down his health. Making him possible to kill with even only two fireteam members.

It will also discourage people rushing in and wiping the fireteam with melee

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Except they are coming to the forums to complain when Predator only mains fail to plan ahead, fail to execute their plan effectively, fail to do any research, and expect to walk through Fireteams like they are nothing. I like the ideas, I do but in reality, it will ruin this game for the majority of players, which means even longer queues for Predators.


Unfortunately im gonna have to disagree. Im not saying that these changes are perfect. Thats why they are open to discussion. So if you want to pick specific things and voice concerns I can do that. But on the whole. I think the game will benefit from this. Not suffer for it.

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I have been writing up my own patch notes, I would like to get your thoughts on it Lazycollinator so that we can work from both sides to make a better game for all. What is the best method of communication for you?


Just post the wip here in the feedback section. Then post the link on the replies here. Im on the forums all day every day pretty much. Only downtime is when im asleep

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Well technically predator is not really broken and its actually now playable and being fun to play, it still can get melted off by full team of PC players who are cordinated and CAN get melted off on ground by both PC&PS players if you as a predator are not carefull, now i know that breserker predator probably does need a tiny bit rework but hey his descrption says his skill is to just get his hands dirty on ground with meleeā€¦

Next up we have my actual presentation of how many heals fireteam hasā€¦ now the actual meta fireteam has still is either ammo bag or health bag with thermal decoyā€¦ i will focus on health bags rightā€¦ each health bag had 4 usesā€¦ and you get 2 of them per playerā€¦ thats 2x4 which is 8 then times 4 uses again which is 32 usesā€¦ and now considering reinforcements that REFILL your special itemsā€¦ lets say u bring back full squad which is 24 usesā€¦ AND NOW we have those huge ammo crates that resupplies your special items too BUT predator is able to destroy them bla bla blaā€¦ so basically FIRETEAM players need to realise predator is basically still kinda underpowered if you ask me just judging by how fireteam can easily heal and still tank some damage by an ALIEN PLASMA BEAMS

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Yes. I understand that very much. Thats why in my notes I dropped the med/ammo kits down to 1. Gearhead required to get two. That means alot of perks need to be sacrificed to get that 32 kind of shit again.

Biggest struggle with balancing fireteam is that if its friends playing together, they can make combinations that are broken. But if we are talking pubsā€¦ Its just a mindless slaughter for pred.


Also, yes the game is ā€œplayableā€ now for both sides. But itā€™s nowhere near balanced. Preds are still berz combistick. And fireteam are still exploiting suppressed snipers. Its just that now they have to slap each other more to get anything done really.

As a Predator, I have way more heals open for me because of the endless supply of boars though. I do not have to use the medkit because of how many boars there are. I have no problem hunting them down and healing to full off them.
But removing heals and ammo from the Fireteam is not the way to solve it.
And you have to remember, to hunt humans, Predators remove most of their armor, technology, and advanced weapons to make it a more even fight.

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Oh andā€¦ i forgot to mention you get 24+ more uses extra if you guys use that ammo crate around mapsā€¦ so 32+24= 56 USES totalā€¦ while predator has around 6 pigs? or 8? that heal him around 90% of health of what he has + his 2 syringes that give him full health backā€¦ so now if we take all of that in consideration xDā€¦ just think about it we are all here humans aka intelligent creaturesā€¦

And i do agree that predator pigs may trigger people now as they got used to melt off his HP and him wasting 2 syringes without going for pigsā€¦ so yeah maybe just do implement the random wave of spawning the pigs in etcā€¦

I addressed that pretty fairly in my notes. Im fairly certain. Making preds pigs more consistent. But less usefull. Especially since alot can happen in 10 min

What are you on aboutā€¦ you have about 8 pigs which is not infinite suppliesā€¦ 8 is 8 and 8 pigs = 8 healsā€¦ + your two syringes which are 10 heals overallā€¦ do the math

Predators really dont do that unless they find a worthy prey. But I get your point.

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Considering how fast pred can still wipe the fireteam, it might as well be infinite right now.

Oh and yeah predator usually ones v one the worthy opponent which i also do in game akaā€¦ i kill off the people and just do the melee fight with one player left to make it more funā€¦ its not that HE ones v full squad ā€¦ please fo read about predator lore and stuff before laying out false info ty