Granate Hack

Your participation badge will be doing most of the haunting, tbh.


Beware its power.


That reminds me of a STORY… Prepare to cringe at my old age!!!
Back at the 2nd ever place I worked, a bar/cafe (which is a really great combination) there was a golf course. There was a cabinet next to the bar for all the golfer’s trophies and merchandise, and in it sat a bottle of pills labelled ‘paracetamol trophy’. To this day, I have no fucking idea what it was for or if it was just a joke.
Aight story time over lol


Hey so quick question: What the fuck

And now we can see and his cheat gameplay 2.0
Plz Illfonic bann the noob @illfonic
Thank you Guys


My god this game needs cheats for everyone

maybe that way people will be able to survive enough to learn a little

Why the fuck do they stand still taking blasts to their face?

pleasure, stimulation

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Fucking cunty PC players. I’ve played with loads of times and he is a massive cheating fuck. I’ve played with so many other PC players cheating like crazy now. How many people on this forum are not letting in about cheating I wonder? Thank god I can turn cross play off.


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Fortunately, he’s not too smart.


Next „cheater“ in game, use speedhack [Bot] alpha

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HA… wana bet… if its a program it can be hacked/modded

I was being ironic.
Hacks exist in this game at least for 1 year now.
Despite the hackers try to make fools believe they’re just good.

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Have you always been a piece of shit or did you become one recently?


I see the shoe fit.

I see you being a moron

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I think he was agreeing with you there…

Lunatics see a lot of stuff.
Their own minds are complex little worlds.

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Ironic coming from you. You just summarized yourself there.

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