I find it hilarious when players from the fireteam bitch about players that use the shoulder plasma caster when the fireteam bombards you with grenades and grenade launchers. The other day I was playing as Predator like I usually do, and ran into a group. One guy in the lobby was saying, “if he just pew pew pews in the game, we’re leaving! Thats not how you play as the predator!” Blah blah blah. And what does he do? Spams you with explosives. Gotta love these scumbags that play this game sometimes.
Grenade launchers
Fireteam mains will complain about anything.
99% of the time their complaints are also heavily hypocritical.
At this point, everyone complains about the game for anything.
Game is stupidly balanced towards FT except when playing solo. That’s illfonic’s idea of “balance”. Make it stupidly easy for premades, make it stupidly easy for dumbass button smasher preds.
Its always the same rhetoric from FT players like this.
Shoot plasma? Puss y.
Shoot arrows? Puss y.
Use the sickle? Puss y.
Combi throws? Puss y.
Play ranged? Puss y.
Oh but multiple miniguns, multiple Dante Unleashed and Dutch 87’s jizzing their grenades at the start of the match, kinfe rushers and PDL spammers are totally fine and ok :)
Exactly. And If you run into a few guys named dagga_shotta_999 or bot_alpha_blaze, they’re rhe absolute fucking worst.
I kind of recognize blaze, but I don’t recall the other guy. But if they do any of that spam shit then yeah, they suck. I’ve learned to not be afraid of PDLs, they don’t hurt me so I just run through them. And grenade spam, I just run lol. I let them exhaust their inventory early so I don’t have to worry about it.
That’s all they do. And it seems like they know my location no matter what. I could be all the way at the end of the map, and they’d spot me. It’s fucking strange.
But same thing goes for “main preds”
FT exists = that’s just cheating
Ran into dagga, clanleaderpred, Mr Doberman, and I THINK dagreat1tony all running together, and they all quit out when the match started. And clanleaderpred has previously used the one shot exploit.
In my case I stun it with a bow and arrow and then I blow it up with plasma cannons, it works with the net and cannons and if everything goes to hell, its self-destruction on top of the helicopter while the AI bots fire at them
They detect you because the optical camouflage has a percentage of visibility when you are damaged or some sensor is close to the group. I think the fucking censors are the most stupid thing about the team.