Hacking, Cheating and other stuff we constantly read everywhere

Or maybe it’s because the only ones who have small enough peners to feel the need to hack this game and then try to hide the hacking for purposes of self-raising (flour?) have neither the technical skill nor the gusto to actually do it properly, and everyone else is either a potato, delusional or monetising off of it.

That’s a bug.
Or, in the words of some self centered hypocrites here, just their skills


i’M jUsT gOoD yOu PoTaTo. MaYbE iF yOu FiNgErEd 16 Yr OlD gIrLs FrOm TiNdEr LiKe Me AnD eXeRcIsEd ThEm, ThEn YoU wOuLd Be GoOd ToO! YoU nOn-HuMaN pOtAtO! pOtAtO tHiS! pOtAtO tHaT! pOtAtO eVeRyThInG!

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It’s tough to deal with intense cheating or bugs, and giving players the benefit of the doubt makes sense. It’s frustrating when cheaters can’t just rely on their skills, and it’s even worse when it affects your experience. If it happens again, you might be able to gather more evidence or report it.

dude. this thread was 2 years old.

Lol @ reporting

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Where the fuck do these people come from

You ever stop to think maybe these are skills, and not cheats? Imagine someone being good at understanding the game’s mechanics and actually knowing how to play an FPS.

Reddit. I see shit threads like this every day.

What is Reddit?

usually the people that cheat do it in a very noticeable way, super speed, one shot kill but then you have the common exploits and the old macro users, funny thing I found recentelly was old known pc players that would abuse this thing that would allow them to use the aim assist of the controller on pc, so with the mouse.

You’re joking.

Best exploit of the day. A predator that could leap and bombard you’r ass with 10+ plasma caster shot. MID AIR.

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Is there a lore reason why I joke? Am I stupid?

Whyd they change the game to disallow mid air weapon switching

Because the QA team plays the game like turn based combat like Pokémon


like I said it is very noticeable, I was accused for aimbot with bow etc, wish those guys went vs that one


I have played with you before. You do not cheat. But understand this; some people haven’t played with skill so long. Anyone doing better then them as the Predator is cheating in their eyes. But this underscores a wider problem with cheating. When everyone else is cheating or knows someone that is. They can not see real literal skill when it hits them between the eyes with a bow. Also this game is lowkey abandoned by its devs. They make patches every 4-6 months fix nothing, break everything else. Then go “this is fine”. I literally haven’t able to play since april 2nd.

Illfonic is like.


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More like smokin dicks in the conference rooms on the hourly