tbh, there was absolutely no video proof of any real hacking(aim bots, wall hacks, shader change) in this game up to date so farr… please correct me if I’m wrong?
Hacking in this game...tbh
A quick google search shows hackers going on about chams. No idea what they are but looks like it makes the predator model bright red.
Only thing I’ve encountered is people using macros to massively increase the fire rate of their gun
I saw that one back when the free trail was out - its never been used in public games, and apparently only can be used in private matches. Also - no video evidence of anyone using it now in any type of match.
Unless they have been removed there were posts on this forums about folks tweaking shaders and graphic settings.
Not sure what you consider to be a proper hack though.
Anything that provides an unfair advantage.
If its this one:
Than it was around since trail was out but canot be used in public games, or at least no evidence of it being used
That is the one I was thinking of, ty.