Halo infinite release early multiplayer?! \(O_o)/

I’m upset, you have to buy battle passes to get content now? Like if you liked Halo Reach, you have to purchase a pass to unlock cosmetics but not by leveling up but by doing daily challenges! 🤯

What else would you expect? As much as I loved and adored Halo growing up, I’m not touching it and supporting more “AAA” developers gouging people’s wallets for things that should already be included for free.


The daily challenge thing is so damn stupid. The gameplay is fun as hell but the monetization puts Fortnite’s levels greed to shame.

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Exactly why I’m getting sick to death of multiplayer games.

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Battle passes by general principle are badly designed for the average player. Limited edition items locked behind tons of grinding. Don’t have the time to grind? Well you can always buy a fast pass. Don’t want to spend more money on a game you already paid for? Wow you must be selfish and hate the developers.

Not counting the fact that if you missed a season or battle pass due to getting the game late you have no chance to earn older rewards that you might want.


Apparently this game will allow you to work on any season regardless of when you join kind of like in the MCC. I just can’t stand the daily challenges are the only way to progress and not and by just being good in a match.

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WTF are those midget enemies? Are they like the equivalent to minions?
I never understood this franchise.
Conceptually all it was to me was microsofts’ own Unreal Tourney. And i dont’ even recall anything about this game other than the armour of the guy and Microsoft putting an exceptional amount of money into the production that really never made anyone bat an eye to stop and look at.