Heacker or glitched match?

Damn. It’s so disappointing that a better solution hasn’t been found yet. Those were very tragic examples, indeed.

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Those were the only two so far knocks wood except for the maybe usual high ping jumps where you think the players is in front of you and suddenly he’s next to you.


I am pretty sure it is bug. Multiplayer matches in public queues are server based so single player internet connectivity issue should not affect other players.
I had 4 or 5 matches with desync and it is always same scenario. Suddenly somebody shoots you like he is standing next to you but nobody is here. When the player kills you he immediately get kicked from the match (maybe he quit the game?).
Last time I was lucky to play against cool guys which noticed something is wrong and we were able to talk to each other. So it was not caused by my internet connectivity (voice communication worked well). However one player kept shooting at me and just as he killed me he was disconnected or left the match. So he may used some lagswitch or his brother just started to watch porn in 4K killing their internet connection 🤣


Please note what is happening after your death - old Arnie is shooting the living crap out of an none existing pred, way below to where you’ve finished your hunt - its not a hack but terrible lag. We all get it from time to time, and when you see the signs of it, better just disconnect.


I wonder what the reasoning was behind not just pausing the game to resync players. Visually “Seamless” gameplay doesn’t matter if you’re getting shot across the map.
Kick people above 150 ping/rollback servers instead of trying to keep them in the game puppeting the approximate location of their rubberbanding ghost.

Fighting games do the whole approximating frames to make it feel like your ping is 0 now but it just doesnt work with hitscan shooters.

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