Head/Rock merging to become one

How do you know that it’s not classified as a draw?

This is one of those things I get where ppl are coming from with, but just dont care enough about it myself.

People worry too much about what the game says as a win.

Even if they blow up and kill the ft.
They died first.
They lost.

Same thing when an ft runs away on the chopper.
Youre running away lol.

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I’m confused by this. What are you implying?

That when ft runs away on the chopper, it’s not really winning.

Unless one side kills the other I dont really consider it a win.

Sure, depending on the pred il focus the mission and tell others to do so, but, it never feels like a true win running away like a bitch.

People discussed this before on the forum, quite a few others agreed with that tho.
Hell I dont think I was the first one to mention it either.

First, I’ve heard of this.

Hah. I’ve never looked at it that way. Maybe against young bloods, but it’s definitely a nice feeling if the predator knows what they’re doing.

Killing the predator is just icing on the cake for the ones that are good, but push to hard or take big risks.

The best preds time it perfectly before u can get on the helo… shoot me bro… OK 22 sec activate self destruction. You can wipe a whole team if timed

According to the actual game they did win.

Honestly can’t believe there’s resistance to getting a bug removed. Some people just love to argue.

Dunno if it’s still there but there was a part of the menus where you could see win conditions. Detonation was classed as a pred win.

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No they don’t. The best preds kill the ft face to face.

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It’s literally the reason you’re in the jungle in the first place. You’re getting crazier by the minute. Who in their right mind thinks an exfil isn’t a win?

Anyway that’s all another discussion. I just came to report an old bug that’s still in the game.

Get it fixed or so help me I’ll shut down the servers.

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This is nothing new.
I mentioned this before, and I’m not the only who feels that way because the mission and ft gameplay is fucking boring.

No its not Crazy.
I don’t care who it is,
It’s never completely satisfying running away on The chopper.

Or did you forget all the times I said last year that I’d rather hunt the pred, but I’m down to focus the mission, I dont care either way?

Sure i prefer to try to kill the pred but I’m not gonna force other ppl to do so.

But again, this has been discussed before.
And when it was, the majority of people did not really consider Time running out a win for pred, or getting on the chopper a win for ft.
OR, the pred being able to blow up.

Theres no argument to be had.
You’re annoyed by it cause you seem to run Into it a lot, I’m telling you, it’s not a big deal.
Not the way you think it is.

I will say this tho, if we get a ranked mode, then it’s a different story, and this should be fixed.

But on a side note.
Usually if I dowm a pred, and their in that fallen state, it will take Me an ungodly amount of bullets to drop them anyway.

It’s kinda always been that way.

So, why does pred feel like they have more hp/ defense when they’re already dead?

Isnt that the real problem here?

Or protection perk working on a downed pred?
Sure it’s fine when preds up, but why downed?

Are these not the actual problem?

The majority certainly did not decide that doing an exfil is not a win. It’s literally the object of the game.

Don’t be upset because Widjums Mrs outclassed you yesterday.

It’s not big. James Cameron just reported an old bug. It’s annoying. Like your face!

You really bust James Cameron’s dicktitties sometimes lol.


Just remove the stupid mechanic where you can only kill him from the front. Probably easier than giving the game actual physics where you can’t push your face into a rock.

Go look for the post lol.
Idk if it was the majority it a lot of ppl feel that way.