Hear me out, a small little detailed list of potentially great additions to this game.

I would like to see a map from predators. The one with Isabelle in it. An alien jungle world with a crazy sky with multiple planets in it and bizarre plants and such. Only with a different game mode a straight up team deathmatch no missions, 3 predators vs 10 or 12 fireteam members no time limit winner takes all. If the predators win you get a little cut scene of them skinning the fireteam and taking trophies hanging them in trees. If the fireteam wins you get a cut scene of them stealing the predators ship and leaving the planet in search of earth.



This, they should also have different facial features and unique voice lines.


I would pay for high quality skins over stat creep that gets nerfed a few weeks later

not sure who’s in charge of their current business model but it sucks

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