Just listines they need to come out with a second game where there’s three teams predators as in a two of em, fire team, and aliens make the fire team have 10 players and the aliens have 4 face huggers that can become xenos and they can ethier capture the remaining fire team or predators or kill em.
Hear me out
this is never going to happen
Just play AVP on Xbox
Someone’s a negative Nancy lol and if they won’t do it someone else will just cause you suck at this game doesn’t mean you gotta be negative
Love how your first response is to be a little shit instead of asking “why”, or maybe doing your own research to figure it out. Potato detected, opinion invalid.
come play me, big man. we’ll see who’s bad at the game
Lol you are just salty that you can’t handle losing at a game
Someone is a key board warrior 😂
sounds like your pussying out of a challenge to me. i can beat 3 field medics at once
This is hilarious, next thing you know you’ll be saying the aliens are gonna throw face huggers and queen is gonna poop aliens fully born