OK, we know what a drag it is to be running through the woods either as predator or FT, but get this. From what I understand about collision detection, the actual jungle we run through had been deliberately made to impede your movement, so it isn’t an actually negligent after math of putting so much geometry.
Someone at Illfonic either intentionally made a catch all geometry collision impedement or they deliberately set 90 % to collision detect and the other few 10 % to be stuff like stairs where things would be easily managed by UnReal for the player to just run right over.
Well how about a PERK that makes 20 more percent to be glide friendly? For FT or even for Predator?
Wouldn’t that be great as a PERK or Specialization?
Because one of the things that really grinds my gears is this ratio of collisions that prevent me from moving freely. It just about turns me off even on test privates with bots. You get me?
Even a NEW STAT with Terrain Maunuverability could be a thing worth exploring.