Heres a nature video

If only they had a consience, then they’d be more reasonable, like us. Ok, bad example, but you know what I mean 😂

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This forum contradicts this statement xD.

Well, we push each other’s buttons but we rarely go further or wish each other Ill. Except maybe phantasma.

But, for all the cruelty if nature, there’s balance. And isn’t that what we are lacking here 🙂

Everyone’s angry.

But often it’s entertaing and with some dialogue we usually feel like there’s at least partial resolution.

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At least things don’t always play out the way they should…

I used to watch a lot of nature documentaries before.
Not so much anymore.

It’s always cool too see the super crazy places, like the areas that extremely hostile.

Like I think it was some desert in Africa or around there that had these extremely salty poisonous lakes.

So salty they were poisonous.

Yeah, i like that too. To see how animals have adapted to whatever habitat.

When you can’t find the Pred in the map it just sounds beautiful