Heres an idea illfonic make a comment before everyone walks

You know a good response to have in mind and I’m sure you guys know it, but to all the negative and nasty comments towards you developers is “if our game is so shit let’s see yours” despite some frustrations with issues in this game or any game for that matter, the real thing here is that it takes talent and dedication to remotely produce anything like what you guys have produced. Game designing etc is NOT easy, and to please everyone is impossible, what’s good for one player will be hated by another and vice versa. People can be so damn harsh and instead of just making some constructive feedback, they come with nasty and hurtful comments. Anyways, I always look forward to predator games and am excited to see what’s produced, this game has its issues but I enjoy it and I hope it continues to be worked on to bring it to it’s full potential to be enjoyed by majority of the players playing it.

Nerft den Combi Stick und den Berserker, der läuft einfach in eine 4Mann Gruppe rein und tötet alle!

Sehr enttäuschend und eine Frechheit, habe mit einem Freund gleichzeitig zu Vorbestellung angefangen. Da war es balanced und nice zu spielen seit jeder Combi Stick hat unmöglich. MIST!

You are a toxic mod. You don’t do a goodjob but the rest of the team does.

To delay a game won’t help tgey need as much as ppl to play as possible, some say predator is op and some say ft is op and it’s gonna take a while to find a balance

I think the game is just fine.
Besides some bugs. I feel its balanced.
Predator is a huge learning curve.

People forget that
Everyone’s play a fps.
No one play predator till this game.
Itll be a long time till we get great lobbies with nothing but amazing predators. Give it time.
Just because you lost dont understand tactics or think like a hunter to utilize the predator properly doesnt mean we need to punish the Skilled players who play FT

Predator players need to build up that tactical hunting mind set to make the predator a terrifying hunter.
If not, they become the hunted. Easily.
So every one needs to chill out with that stuff.

Yeah, I’m getting really feed up.

Well i having fun when i play with friends as FT or solo as Pred.
There are some bugs yea
But i having fun with game and i cant wait for some new stuff in the game and some fixes (jumping on the tree and my pred going crazy or jump trough)

Are we living in 40 000? Not fun allowed?
I know game need fixing but game should giving fun?

Hey man

Had a few ideas. Can you give us different finishers when we take trophies? Also can we pick up downed enemies to take them to trees to skin them as well? Maybe you make it so the only way to revive your team is to pick up dog tags so if you run away with the body it makes it harder to revive players? And, one last thing, can you do a mode where you face off against the predator like Arnie in the original? Make it so if you don’t get on the chopper at the end and you’re still alive you fight the predator instead but with no weapons. All you have is infinite mud and some booby traps and the predator stays in infrared and has to track you through movement and little sound?



You motherfukers know how to fuck up a wet dream dontcha