Hook's speed is just insane

I think it hasn’t been an issue because only people who have exiled have it.

Now everyone has it correct?

It is crazy fast. IDK how you defend against it yet.

At least with the axe you can get out of the way.

Hook is like a lightning bolt. Pop pop pop you’re dead. Extremely fast or does it hit twice per swing?

That’s why I said it before because I was one of those who actually liked the exile enough to buy him. If you slap that on an alpha or Valk then you are fucked. It makes the sickle look like the elder sword by comparison.

With light the combo hits like 3-4 times rapidly and can do massive damage. The heavy does like 50-75 damage and if done after a few swings of the light combo you’re done. I use to use against a lot of Dutch 87s to great effect but stopped unless I felt like playing exile.

Your talking about the club right? Just a hook skin? My Pred don’t swing that fast man. @FromTheHood

Every good Pred player on PC now runs Valk with the bugged Axe. Lots of HP, 12 perk points, full stamina and stamina regen when attacking with melee, not to mention one shot kills.

I fought Exile only a few times and never lost a match, it’s just too squishy, low HP pool and lack of perk points compared to Valk. I gotta try the Hook with Valk tbh. Jump in, down ppl in one sec, leap away.

In the video I’ve posted, if I played with 3 random potatoes, that would be a game over for the whole team. It usually is like that, cause in most pub matches, I’m the only one doing the dmg to Pred while three others are looking at the sky or something.

I know it’s not your playstyle we’re talking about. Bit in the end, it kinda is… Cause, despite it is a fast weapon, you have to consoder the fact that you were using a low health loadout and you weren’t prepared to parry.
Not like the Axe that put you down in 1 hit, unless you move/jump in the correct moment, and it’s a weapon that you almost can’t parry the heavy hit, no matter what loadout or perks you use.

Sure, but is it a normal thing to get hitted five times with any weapon in one second?

What you mean by “normal”?
In this game, it’s not normal, that’s the first weapon with that ability. In my opinion, it’s a balanced weapon like the Sickle or the Elder sword. Sometimes it’s 100% efective, sometimes it’s 50%, sometimes it’s nothing.
I don’t think it’s broken, but it’s just my opinion. And in my opinion, in that specific situation, you got caught with your pants down, that’s all i think it was…
I know it sucks, it happens to me all the time, i like to run the entire time and sometimes the Pred get’s to me and i have no stamina to parry him… but i know it’s my fault, it’s my playstyle and i have to deal with it…

Before you watch the video, have in mind that Pred was only using plasma, PC shot, leap, PC shot, he was already on low HP, so no one expected that the Pred player is gonna go in melee. That’s what got him killed shortly after I was downed.

Check the vid.

I mean, normal by, can FT stab the Pred 5 times in a row in one second? Nope.
Is there any other melee weapon that can do this? Nope.
This doesn’t come close to the Elder sword speed or the Sickle’s speed.

I think the speed of the Hook should be toned down a bit, that’s all.
I don’t care about getting killed, I play other multiplayer FPS games where getting killed is a normal thing, it’s just matters how many of other players are you gonna kill before you get killed.

So I got no problems with getting killed, pants down or up, this thread isn’t about me, it’s about ridiculous speed of the Hook. In the vid, at some point, you can see the Preds right side of the mask on the left side of the screen, swinging in empty space and I still ate the dmg somehow.

Ok. It’s a fast weapon that can down you very fast.
So is the Axe, the Hammer, the smart disc. Plasma cannon also if used with the right loadout/perks. These weapons can down you even faster than the hook, one hit and you’re down. Wanna continue talking about this?

Axe can be dodged, it’s not that fast.
Hammer isn’t that fast, can be dodged easy.
Smart disc can be dodged easy, I rarely get hit by it by good disc players who use high dpi for it on their mouse.
Plasma cannon is so slow, especially at larger distances, it’s really easy to get behind cover and shield yourself, it’s a projectile weapon, not even fast unless the Pred quick shoots you while he’s in front of you.

And no they can’t down you faster than the hook unless you stand still and wait for that dmg to land on you, you actually have time to avoid those.

Same thing can be said about the hook.
Hook can be parried, so it doesn’t matter if it’s fast or not. Plus, if you use the loadout that i said before, not only u can parry it, but you can down the Pred 1v1 almost as easy as against wrist blades or combistick.

That’s the thing about the hook, its tracking puts all other weapons to shame, has damage on par if not better than the sickle, has little stamina consumption, and its heavy lunges further than the axe while locking on to people and is unparryable. Oh yeah it also has the disorientating effect too.

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I have Dutch 87 with Thick skin, Heavy Hitter and OWLF Training. Against good PC Preds it’s useless, 'cause they don’t go with melee and if it’s a melee, it’s bugged Axe and you don’t wanna try to block that 'cause you’re gonna end up downed in 2-3 seconds and they’ll use you as bait in order to attack your team mates.

I agree that the loadout you and me mentioned is probably the best against melee rushers, which is majority of players, especially on PS (most PS players in pubs just rush in with whatever melee weapon) but otherwise, it’s not that effective against good players.

I have to try it out, I only played a few matches as FT since the update. Yeah that flash is just a cherry on top tbh.

Oh, that’s because you are a weakling and a failure.

Nobody wants to 1v1 a weakling/failure.


It’s because they have low health

Im level 536

I’ve probably been alive more than you have

When did you get this game, like yesterday I

Just tried using the hook tonight and man do I love it. It’s so fast that I took out 3 FT members in rapid succession.