
Illfonic after 6months you managed to make a piss poor game. Go back to 1.06 and delete all your updates @OldKingHamlet

This is how all of us feel including piss poor predator dlc. Come on city hunter wrist launcher shoots so damn slow. Wtf were they thinking. Also samarui stats should be higher than city hunter…

You dont want melee but you killed the game into an arcade shooter. Even ps4 players could manage a few kills vs a pc squad. Now there lucky to live to the end of a round



and stop hogging the ques!


Back to being incoherent I see.
Admit what?

That preds need to get good!


How much more good do you want?
Lmao ft is easy and takes no skill, pred has to actually try xD.

Doesnt get much better than playing against ppl who have the advantage xD.

I’d say ft needs to get good but uh…
Ya. Fps is easy so theres no real skill gauge.


mass impact ill kill you a third time, you got to be by far the worst ft member I have ever seen!!! LOL

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I play with my toes on a playstation controller!

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Im just messing with you… got to spice up the forums

I use the playstation controller and i play using my toes!

dont get me wrong i like FT too. Out of all the preds I see playing as FT… its kill defuse kill defuse… at the same time nobody says they have to engage in first 30 sec of the game.

Standing ovation

That sentence alone made me cringe

Reason I say this is sam pred is far more skilled than city hunter.

And I cringed again

ill make you cringe more…
Clan Leader of the Gotham City Hunting Party

Samurai stats are absolute garbage, both Stamina AND Movement Speed are 2 bars?? A highly athletic Hunter alien race that has studied the Samurai way should at the very least either be able to move fast like a truly skilled swordsman or have a decent stamina pool to be able to engage in bloody swordsmanship. They make no sense. I would have preferred they’d given it Hunter health and added to the Stamina.


less gear more stam and hp. Force his weapon slot to be balanced so it not an overloaded kit… so he has to use sam sword but duel wields… thats balance


Even better 👍🏼 I’d be fine with lower gear points if it meant he was more mobile and durable.

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Both samurai and berzerker are absolutely garbage. Thats not a stat issue entirely. Thats an all around game design and balance issue.