Hotkeys/Target Isolation

Within the PS4 hotkey menu there are some unclear/misleading hotkey options:

  1. “Jump/Leap/Interact” Leap will always take priority over jump, jump will occur only when stamina won’t allow leap. Interact function will never occur as jump or leap will always take priority. This also applies to a few other function combos ("Jump/interact etc)

  2. “Branch Switch” and “Interact” why are these not one and the same function? If you hotkey “Interact” to a button it will always display that button icon for tree mounting/branch switching, however it will not actually perform that function. Intended or incomplete?

  3. Why does the Target Isolation function not share with any other function. It makes 1 button useless, which on PS4 we have limited buttons (modified/scuf controllers aside). Possible solution: target isolation can be performed by holding down Thermal Vision.

i complained about this exact thing about a patch ago

Yea, I had noticed it awhile ago, but was too lazy to post anything at the time, but I was working on making my layout more efficient today and figured I better do some more testing and these are the main things that I felt needed to be addressed.