How about small Vex mask rework?

honestly the original looks like a kids hockey mask.

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its way better



Iā€™d wear it now.

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Holy ball sack, you posted something finally glorious

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Iā€™m doing my freaking best to please this communityšŸ˜‚


I would def @OldKingHamlet this mask remake

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That would be dope

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I donā€™t think they understand simple is better. Like look at the plague mask lol itā€™s fuckin terrible cause thereā€™s just so much going on.

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I know right?! Some of their masks would have been epic if they would not be so over the top. I thing they are trying way to hard in the mask design department. When I look at some of them - its like some one had a great idea for a mask, made the sketch for it, person doing the 3d mesh added a thing or two and then some one showed up, add shit tone of useless details on top of that original design and made the mask look more like a gadget from transformers movieā€¦

Have you seen the 3 new masks we are getting? Same problemā€¦

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Ok @OldKingHamlet ā€¦ 144 views, 28 replays, extremely high like to post ratio and not ONE negative comment on my rework. I know Youā€™ve seen this quz ppl, including me, tagged you at lest 3 times now. Can you please at least confirm that this post will be pass on further to Illfonic?

I mean, you guys have done a brilliant job with this mask. Itā€™s a shame that very few ppl use it. If another 15 mins will be spared on a basic rework than much more ppl will actually start using it, as per comments above ;-) Just remove the yellow eye texture and blend the snout together so there is no cut in the middle ā€“Iā€™ve done it in under 15 mins, and my modeling skills are less than avrageā€¦

Literally dude. Nail on the head. Just so over the top

I say we just tag them @OldKingHamlet till they respond

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Dudeā€¦ really?šŸ¤£


What is it wrong that the community thinks @OldKingHamlet should see this I dont see a issue? I am being polite

I think @OldKingHamlet will enjoy this simple but elegant fix. It even looks like some of the masks from the Psn avatars

Ok, hold on, if we will keep tagging the poor guy then Iā€™m sure your account will be blocked, my account will be blocked and this post will get removed from forum history XD Lets give him a fair chance to replay first XDDD

But I like the idea ;-)

Why? Its not like we are spamming them with hate. We just think @OldKingHamlet should be made well aware of how good this redesign is. Is that really a issue. But I will call fair and play by their rules.

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He has 2 days lol if not I will make sure he gets no Halloween candy

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Lol, just lol XDDDDD

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Sounds fair enough ;-)