How bad Yautja Bow is now on Predator Hunting Grounds even on 1v1 scenario

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now while i understand what your going for here illfonic might actually throw this out as being unrealistic feedback because is a predator really gonna stand still and shoot to trade with FT?

But regardless yeah bow dmg is too low compared to FT Dmg at various ranges

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lol ft is also standing still, if we were both moving would be harder for predator to hit shots due to projectile weapon on high ping vs hitscan weapon

its mainly to compare dps between 1 pred vs 1 ft on a 1v4 game, anyone with half a brain realize the big problem that is when 1 ft has higher dps than pred

like I have shown phg footage to girls I fucked from tinder when they asked about my yt, even girls that never played videogames in their lives could see the predator on this game is weak as fuck

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or my most classic example of how pred is shit:

this was before bow nerf

Maybe a damage scaling is in order

So FT does the least individual damage when all four are alive and their damage increases every time one dies until the last remaining FT is able to inflict maximum damage

U don’t normally play as pred… I beat these dudes before a few times. But they sent me running often too.

Depends on map.

Bow is op if Thunderwolf using it. I think…there’s 2 or 3 really good bow users

You’re not wrong. The whole point of the predator is to hunt with a hit and run style. If it was all just about dps matchups, you may as well just be playing Call of Duty.

However, melee weapons should be the DPS option for predators with parrying as counter. Unfortunately, the parrying system is currently flawed, because Fireteam can get hits while parrying and the parry animation allows Fireteam to get light hits in after parrying.


this is true but i know for sure there are builds you can run on FT where like 1011-12 or even the AK can out dps pred melee which makes parry optional anyway

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The Bow isn’t overpowered at all rn. It’s underpowered if anything.

There are a lot more than just 3 good Bow users though.

Lol you never won vs them, dude i have beaten you with 3 potatos in pubs. Last time in privates in 1v3 you were getting destroyed easy, you are delusional.
Dont claim shit if you dont have proof

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Typo…it used to be…before the nerf big bro

I’ve got videos of beating you…also this is not a competitive game by far.

YOU are known as sam hack…I’ve never been accused of cheating/exploits…wonder why?

Let’s see you go hard on a competitive game where the developers are competent enough to ban hackers and racist ass trolls…

You online now?

You will get killed if I exploit plasma and disc…you talk as if you will beat me using bots…let’s cash that check playboy

@Samhain13 you are a good FT player your predator skills are good sometimes…

not with my team

because im much better than you, mid players wont be accused of hacking cus they are not doing anything impressive to the point of people thinking its cheating

dude you cant even be good in phg

I have random with me

my team is off so

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i have literally beaten the best pc players on this game, guys that have beaten you 1v1, and i won vs the 4 of them

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dude go watch my videos so you can learn how to play as predator


Nahh you’re that good bro you don’t need a team do u?

After all I’m bad right?..😂

predator has the advantage in 1v1, anyone can use sickle and win in that scenario, what to do you think would happen if you were to play as ft alone vs my predator?

not this here, you even had disk in the build and still lost

dont have balls to face me with a full team? damn i know ps players that do

thats usually the trend among players, when they are pred they want me to play ft alone, when im pred they need a full team to put a fight, classic


It was never overpowered in the first place. Never has been.

the guy doesnt even know how to use bow, he never could aim shit with it, guy cant even use sawz on pc, his gameplay is 90% smart disk high dpi and sickle