how dare you.

Fucking disgusting.

But also disappointed.
Fkn my mom was the best you could come up with? Lol.

Yeah I couldnt be fucked to try harder lmao

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Lmao bout as much effort as I put into this xD

Lol I can tell

So how goes whatever your playing now?
Did you build a successful fleet in that 1 game?

Nah ive been all over the place. Ive been playing warframe, siege, PHG, space hulk deathwing, battlefleet gothic armada 2, MGSV, XCOM 2, etc. Havent really played avorion in a while. Need to be in a creative mood for that and I splooged out about 3 years worth of it on the rework and am still recovering so

I have deathwing I never could get into it even though its right up my alley.

I think the most frustrating thing about it is that its very clunky. And I think thats intentionally to some extent. Its enjoyable for me but only really when I wanna chill

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I mostly play games solo and I hear its a better multiplayer game then solo.

Pick a game lmao

Its cause you’re anti social!

I mean yeah very lol, Im surprised I talked on the foursm alot here.

Lol I dont see why tho.
You seem liked youd be cool to play with and youd enjoy chilling with ppl lol.

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Ig its just intial talking part once I talk then im good but its getting to that point, Im always looking for people to play with , especially if a multi pred mode is coming so add me if ya want on psn.


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Il definitely keep you in mind for that.
Cause for the longest I’ve been wanting to team up with preds xD.

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I have to get back into the swing of things been playing Dead By Daylight recently since the new killer came out.

Lol I dont blame anyone for taking a break.
Bugs aside it’s pretty repetitive xD.

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Im mostly playing off and on so I dont lose touch cause getting back into gear is hard especially with the recent changes.

Most of the things that worked before work just as much now. Ive found very little change to my playstyle other than that now I have a few more viable options

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Bane is the only thing that caught me off guard but in reality people are getting good at the game and ive been slacking lol.

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