How it feels to try and give feedback:

How most of the community feels trying to give feedback and bug report the game:
Untitled document
All jokes aside, if Illfonic is actually listening instead of using the forum as a place for players to vent frustration at the game, just please acknowledge us and our concerns so that we know that our voices and opinions are being held.


It took me months but I got recognition for my work like a week ago so they are definitely listening


Pics or it didn’t happen.

How dare you make me quote it


Well arent you fkn special?


I am. They seem to give me a lot of attention. Had courier reply to my community mod post in off topic. It was hilarious

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Have them fix this gosh darn game, first with the crashes then the glitches oh and let’s not forget the cosmetics!

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Im very certain they are well aware. Why progress has been so slow is beyond me but oh well

Awesome Dude!! I’m glad you didn’t give up after I was being a Dick LOL

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I’m going to keep bothering you till you do, think of me as your own personal Predator

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It feels like this:

Predator players;

Fireteam Players;

Careful, do not summon the Shader Lord. We’ll never hear the end of it…

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At least put a like on the post so we know you are reading @OldKingHamlet and dont be a cancerous person