How many hours do you guys

I am not going to call him a liar, perhaps he just made a mistake but quite frankly, for 3000 hours I would need a screenshot to believe, now its obviously his prerogative if he wants people to believe him or not.

maybe he just put one ā€œ0ā€ to many at the end lol

Iā€™ve got almost 23 days, thatā€™s like 550 hours and something. Really hard to believe the 3000 hours, not impossible but quite hard to achieve.

of course its hard to achive
as I said before: one year has 8760 hours, this game isnt even out for one year, its out for 7300 hours (~10 motnhs) that means, that he played almost half the day everyday lmao. Maybe he has no live, no one knows.
I would just say he is a liar. even @Dentdesabre Ā“s 52 days (1248 hours) are a lot, but he has a proof lol, he send that number in discord before, and i know he is online 24/7 lmao.
but his 1248 hours arent even the half of 3000. So, idk

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Quite so, its 6 times my playtime. If this game had a lot more content perhaps I also had my number times 6 but as it isā€¦ Its hard to justify my time in this game. Now donā€™t get me wrong, I still enjoy it but in moderation :D
Anyway, I am glad he edited out the eat a bullet part, it was really uncalled-for.

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and i know he is online 24/7 lmao.

what is life


Baby donā€™t hurt meā€¦donā€™t hurt meā€¦no more!

what is looooove

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There you go even more now I am the master

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Nice, contracts on the achievements, if only we had those on PCā€¦ Now at least I can understand the wild number you put up, its an assumption based on how much you played because PS does not have a way to track playtime per game.

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we have

We do?

maybe you are good at photoshop, but thats fkn crazy. what the hell.
Do you have your PS4 running the whole day and forget to turn it off when you sleep or something? xD

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Possibly. I donā€™t understand it since its new on the ps side of hardware. So it may just think I play this game more often which is correct. Most of my other games come from
The subscription service ps now so I play a game to see if I enjoy it not I bounce

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I was Furloughed for 5 months. And was able to play for 15-18 hours sometimes. Because I would finish all the housework early cause I am a early riser


when you are ingame
press SHIFT+F3
there is a friend tab and right below it, there are achivements


Buahahaha, 23 days of playtime and I had no clue we had that, omg! On the other hand now I feel bad for seeing it, I only have like 26/45.

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You only Play Ft tho no? Thats all the ft achievements

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Iā€™ve played some pred in clash and like 15 games in hunt.

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