How people are losing as predators?

How are you guys actually losing as predator? I didn’t play 1 month, played ~7-8 games 2 weeks ago and now I am back to the game after update and… I still didn’t lose any game. The same situation was before when I was playing regulary, I had a 20+ games winstreak.

I’m seeing a lot of commentaries in many topics where people are talking about their games and many of them saying that they are losing games as preds. And I am not telling you about premade FT’s, but just about normal games in public. I even tried to test it and disabled cross platform and played 5-6 games against only PC team and I still unbeaten. In two games people were just leaving after I killed 1 man…

So how is it even possible to lose as predator? I don’t feel enemies even after latest update where they added a new devices and new weapons for FT. The only worthy enemies for me are snipers. These guys are really pain in the ass


From my POV the people that are winging saying the Predator has been nerfed are either just not as good as they think they are or are coming up against a decent FT. Same shit different day, just taking the excuse of that week. A decent Predator player who knows the map and has played both sides can take them apart as it’s easier with the 3rd person view to manoeuvre when attacking a couple of FT members when he can down you with 3 strikes jumping back and forth.

I mainly play as FT (with randoms) Lvl150 player since launch as I’ve not got the patience for the long queues, so I’m very good at this game simply by playing over and over and over, but since 2.0 patch on Friday it’s like the Predator player knows where I am at all times now regardless of mud and no mic, taking cover etc. has something changed there any one feel similar or just me, and I randomly became shite over night?


Yet another I’m the king of the universe post. @KameofWar @Kalypsio @Drakos would you like to take this one? James Cameron no longer has the strength.


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I had loses too. And i am not telling someone that I am the best player, there players much better than me. I just cannot understand how is it possible no to win 80% of matches as predator especially on PC…

Because they’re not going up against complete potatoes.

I only really play fireteam. And I solo queue. Have done for 100+ matches. So believe me when I say there are a lot of potatoes playing fireteam.

People that just sit there watching you get claimed and don’t even bother to shoot the pred. People that run to the other end of the map on their own. People that don’t break you out of the net with melee. People that run whack ass loadouts. People that try to 1v1 the pred.

It doesn’t take a premade to kill a predator. Even a random team that knows what they’re doing can at the very least make a good predator struggle.

Wait till you start going up against teams of people that don’t play like it’s their first ever video game.


Well-hell, let’s buff FT some more 😁

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Nerf James Cameron!

True. Many players are really potatoes. But it’s not about that. How than predators are losing vs such potatoes? I don’t know statistics, but I just checked few topics about predator nerfs and buffs, and there are a lot of people who complaining that FT is too strong… And cannot understand that. Why I can lose 1 match out of 10 even vs only PC teams and thay can’t(i’m not telling now about premade ft’s)? I don’t think that I’m much better than other players but still it sounds strange for me to hear such things.

Also, I faced good FT’s that gave me a smoke few timems. And not only PC team but event PS4. And in most of matches I still was a winner. In few matches I lose because i tried to play with FT and left one guy alive to wait for reinforcements(and than died like and idiot :D). And only one FT for all these matches gave me really hard matchup and and I lose to last two guys from their team.

Eventually, I think that’s impossible not to win more than 60-70% of matches as predator if you’r not a potato because event if FT is strong now, you have more mobility and 3d view to easy kill them.

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Agree. I’ve only lost maybe 3 matches as predator out of 13 or so since the update. One was a glitch issue. I’ve noticed a lot of predators though when I play FT being extremely careless and getting melted instantly. The loading screen tips they added should give anyone enough advice to win at least half the games. Plus if you’re on PS4 and going against a try hard pc FT… your gonna have a challenge. People need to start utilizing the explosive barrels, AI, and alarms more. You can really wreck a good FT in seconds once the chaos starts.

It’s really down to luck. Some people just constantly get put up against people that know what they’re doing. Some only get put up against potatoes. Some a bit of both. Or maybe they’re just not that good as pred. I have seen a fair share of preds try to melee bumrush the team which obviously doesn’t end well.

But all it takes is a little knowledge about the game with a sprinkle of a little bit of skill and you’re gonna do well most of your matches as fireteam.

I think the complaining stems from people ignoring the matches where they’re wiping potatoes and focus on the matches where they’re against even semi decent people because then it’s like a whole different game. It becomes dramatically harder. There’s so many factors though.

I suck so I get my ass kicked no matter which side I play. My aim is really bad as I don’t play many FPS games. I prefer melee combat. Aiming as FT is much easier because of hitscan. If I can consistently land headshots it’s too easy, lol. I can rarely hit an awake and alert FT member with the ranged weapons that is how bad my aim is and Pred doesn’t have hitscanning so is at more of a disadvantage in that regard. Especially since the devs don’t want Preds to tank and hackslash to victory so they made melee masochist mode, lol. I’m the opposite of a Soulsborne vet so that’s just the opinion of an unskilled but non-casual gamer, lol.

I have problems some matches trying to find the FT, sometimes I’m like, where in the hell are these people at, but it never takes longer than 3-4mims if I’m having trouble finding the FT, but for the most part I can find the FT in under 2mins, I think it just depends on the players you are going against

Ok so to answer this question for today…

The reason why people lose as predator is cause they rush in cause fireteams are able to speedrun the game which has been in game since day 1 and there is no RNG on objective spawning on random locations rather being the same always and never changing the pattern ever… and most of the playerbase is now 150 and has learned in muscle memory where to go and can speedrun and i saw this with my own eyes and also i did it myself too… are able to speedrun in 2:17 min… believe it or not one mission on derailed lasts 2:17, while others last around 3-5 min less or more… depends…

So yeah predators are losing cause they rush in cause they dont want to see people exfil cause game is not fair that fireteam is just able to stand there do nothing and just headshot AI… boom over…

They just spawn in closest and thats it

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Quite frankly if you have 80% win rate I could not care less what you’re other problems are…

10% lose


60% FT wiped

For me the issue was and probably still is if i verse only pc players they will exfil 10% and i usually can win 90% of times… so that leaves only exfil as lose? i guess? anyways… all of that can be blamed on actual illfonic devs for their plan to keep it FAST PACE gameplay that ruins people immersion and gives them anxiety cause they have to rush lol

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cause you didnt go against any good fts thats why. I can bust a beatdown even on Premades…but now its really freaking hard to down one.

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ngl that might be why… havent versed full pc in a while… and i hope i dont lmao… cba
