How To Destroy PC Team (Video)

I dont have a shit ps4 or console. GL that jumping shit will get you killed

I playing the game from the first day
So like I said before
I dont give a shit for your opinion

If you see me again you better kill me first or your life will be hell

Its my pleasure to tbaging on your Body and mud up with your blood ;)

We haven’t played together in like 2 months or something! How are you, would love to play with you again!

Tbh I kinda got bored of the game and having no real updates other than little tweaks here n there. Needed some time off of it. I might start playing again in few days. We definitelly gonna play again

Since your drop many things were chenged (not all of them in a better way). New mode is 2 vs 6 btw, it is not ft vs ft as people say.

What? The description is in the patch notes.

As I heard , they wrote bad informations.

Are you joking? its 4 v 4 where after quite some time 1 person per team can become the predator. The predators are still part of said team, they don’t form another team. After 2 games I can say I hate it and before this I only played FT. I am back to hunt mode (the original one).

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I meant it’s not just 4 vs 4 , it’s more than that.

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I played against a great 4 PC fireteam squad on the first 2 matches here:

Usually I like to let the fireteam reinforce but to these guys no way haha.

Its exactly 4v4 with a powerup for one in your team to become the pred(its like another class, your team its still made of 4 people). Quite a few games did team deathmatch with different type of powerups, hell, SW had you becoming a jedi.

how tired of people who write on the forum that they won 4 pc and then say that they are incredibly strong guys wake up you are clowns who do not know how to play you win weak pc and brag about it

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Yeah that video was bad. Anyone can beat a sub par PC squad.
Pretty sure that if just arrow had been on that FT you would have lost quite easily.


I have no idea how you output 14k as a ft and still cant kill him till way late…unless you let him go

If the Predator is good he won’t let you chase him, plus now with the new cloack you cant send him in second wind if he jump away with low hp and , in the end, it was a fatty Berserker 😂.

Grenade master?? 🤔🤔🤔 Or was it black magic??? 🤔🤔🤔

He was a friend and he was testing out the loads and classess we were all not trying to hard, plus the dude was a berserker, bullet sponge. and heals and pigs