How to prevent detection. Give feedback.

If you have good detection capabilities as fireteam, please, give some feedback how you detect the predator and give recommendations what behavior is to be avoided to circumvent detection.

Predator: Hunting Grounds is somehow a stealth game. Detection and avoiding detection is crucial for both sides.


You don’t


Take cover

Move from cover to cover

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Take cover and listen.

So, what are your opinions regarding avoidance of detection:

Cloak or don’t cloak?

Run, leap or just walk?

Are audio decoys useful?

How useful is disciplined?

very useful, but make i think 2/3 times the predator go there or check out why there is sound. Otherwise, if you’re around you are bound to be sighted by pred if your within 20 meters.

You’ll always be detected as pred in this game. He’s stupid fucking loud. Not to mention spotting, UAV, cloak gernades, and that fucking PDL


Either Amphibious helps with being out of siight, as well as mudding up. Technically you’re harder to see. thus harder to detect. Its not a guarantee, nothing is guaranteed.

Audio decoys

Use cloak but also don’t use it because you won’t click

Dithered lense

It’s very situational

It’s pointless trying to be stealthy because they will call the helicopter in 4-5 minutes anyway unless you rush…and as a fireteam you should always mud up but that is pointless too if the predator has “tracker” or whatever it’s called


A few notes;

  • Predator spawns before you and adjacent to the team. So naturally you should expect Predator almost always moving opposite to you.

  • Take note of then current meta because this will tell you how the Predator engages so you can keep an eye on the ground or the plasma spamming mouth breather in the back

  • Avoid spamming emotes and gunfire if you can help it

  • mud immediately or move into water with the amphibious perk. If Predator has the correct specialization this wont matter but will potentially avoid them seeing you once they got up close and need thermal.

  • Predators hang out in very specific spots on the map. If you run Predator and keep failing run FT for a bit because Predators tend to use the same vantage points and you can see this as FT.

  • You can see the scoreboard, this will also show what class and specialization they have allowing you to prepare for the Predator.

  • Build for Predator since you can either complete objectives or force Predator back. Pushing Predator back is a common tactic given they try to pin players down.

  • Predators are loud, look for clicking and roars. Audio decoys are more decoy in that they constantly play sound muffling what Predator is doing rather than leading anyone away.

  • look for bubbles since bear traps can be destroyed and is them setting up an ambush.

I used to run the first sniper until Illfonic released Isabelle. Something seems to have went fucky with it be it by design or not but it’s quiet enough and can one shot most enemies and at least before the update could unload into Predator. Default Assault class. Your first and second pistols can also unload into Predator and is how I got out of a few sticky situations pre-Isabelle. Naturally I had a good sniper build and when they released the actual sniper class it was dog ass and my build got fucked.

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I think they’re asking how to avoid detection as pred

They can use that to their advantage since that’s stuff FT look for.

This sums up you being a newbie to this game, yet you talk a like a big shot in other threads. Hopefully now that you’re seeing this from a lot of people telling you how sound is the best way to detect the pred you’ll finally stop with your stupid sarcasm.

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Just use hacking programs, easy mode.


no cause the moment they play the roar sound and it doesn’t trigger the audio file for FT to mention the predator has healed they know that it’s a decoy in that direction

doesn’t matter if you cloak you’ll start clicking if you don’t cloak they just see you and shoot you so use cover and play the game like a cover shooter as it’s designed that way

doesn’t matter you make a ton of noise regardless unless your crouch walking just remember to crouch cancel your leaps to make less sound (activate crouch while your in the air)

is one of the best specs in the game it single handedly carries scout as a class however the raw damage of Stalker/analytic/fervent is better in most cases

Game is broken’ ft can spam spot u all the time’ and make u move slow it is ridiculous. U r like lamp in the dark.

No cloak no croak

Also include if they engaged in enemy fire and killed AI. It could tell you that they are in the vacinity of a camp or just knocked off a few along the way.

Because thats a mechanic. Game is only broken if you choose to fuck around and rush into it like most 5 year olds do and i played a plenty of infant children to no reward other than my own cruelty.